Chapter 18: An invitation

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The Cullens piled into Rosalie's sleek red car, all except Edward. Disbelief gnawed at Daniel. How could Edward be so utterly oblivious, so dismissive of their urgent conversation the night before? After all the warnings, all the potential consequences laid bare, Edward had simply gotten up and left to fetch Bella.

The drive to school was shrouded in silence. Upon arrival, they dispersed to their respective classes, the day dragging on in a monotonous blur. Lunchtime offered no relief. Then, Daniel stewed in his personal hell – Biology – forced to endure the sight of Edward and Bella's interaction. He barely registered the girl's boring questions.

The final bell of the day couldn't come fast enough. Daniel left in a hurry, headed for Rosalie's car. A knot of annoyance tightened in his stomach as he spotted a cluster of students surrounding it. As he approached, the crowd parted, their eyes widening in acknowledgement.

Beside Rosalie's car, Tyler, a lanky student with an inflated sense of his own charm, muttered to Mike under his breath. The words, "Damn hot car with a hot owner," drifted towards Daniel, laced with a crassness that grated on his nerves.

In a heartbeat, Daniel was upon him. Towering over Tyler, he gripped the boy's shirt with a strength that had Tyler dangling inches off the ground. "Care to repeat that?" Daniel growled, his voice a low rumble.

Emmett's hand clamped onto Daniel's wrist, a silent communication passing between them. Daniel, with a deep breath, recognized the futility of escalating the situation. He released Tyler, who stumbled back, wide-eyed, and climbed into the car beside Rosalie.

As they pulled away, Rosalie shot him a concerned glance. "Human males," Daniel muttered, the words laced with disgust. "They are fucking pigs."

A murmur of agreement rippled through the car, a shared disdain for the behavior they'd just witnessed. But nothing else was said.

Nestled amidst the rustling leaves of the forest, Edward and Bella sat. Bella, her curiosity piqued, leaned forward, her question hanging in the air.

"So, you must be dying to become...," she began, then trailed off, leaving the unspoken desire clear.

Edward chuckled softly, the sound warm and rich. "No, that's not quite how it works," he corrected gently. "No, that's just Carlisle. He would never do that to someone who had another choice." A note of profound respect tinged his voice whenever he spoke of his adoptive father.

"What about Daniel and Rosalie?" Bella pressed, eager to learn more about the coven.

"Carlisle brought Rosalie to our family next," Edward explained, his gaze drifting back in time. "I didn't realize till much later that he was hoping she would be to me what Esme was to him — he was careful with his thoughts around me." A hint of amusement flickered across his face as he rolled his eyes. "Of course, we never saw each other in that way. She was more like a sister. Then came Emmett. He was nearly torn apart by a grizzly attack. Rosalie saved his life. There was something in his broken state that resonated with her. They've been inseparable ever since. She found Daniel a few years later."

"How did he become part of the coven?" Bella inquired, her brow furrowed.

Edward offered a wry smile. "Ah, that's a story for another time," he said, leaving her wanting more.

Bella shifted her focus. "What about Alice and Jasper? They seem... different from the others."

"Indeed," Edward agreed. "Alice and Jasper are extremely rare creatures. They both developed a conscience, a moral compass, without any external influence. Jasper's past is steeped in darkness," he continued, his voice low and measured. "He belonged to a very different kind of coven, one ruled by violence and brutality. The despair gnawed at him, driving him to wander aimlessly. It was Alice who found him. Like Jasper, Daniel and I, she possesses unique abilities beyond those of a typical vampire."

Sensing Bella's growing fascination, Edward continued, "She can see snippets of the future, glimpses of what might unfold. But the future isn't set in stone," he emphasized, noticing the apprehension flickering in her eyes. "Choices alter the course of events."

"So, she can predict anything?" Bella interrupted, captivated by this revelation.

Edward shook his head. "Not quite. It's more subjective. The future has countless possibilities. Her visions offer a glimpse into threads of fate, but they are not absolute."

He cleared his throat, then a grimace contorted his features. "As for Daniel," he began, his voice laced with a hint of dread, "He can peer into the darkest corners of a person's mind, exposing their deepest fears and anxieties. He can use them to torment his victims, as well as conjure visions that plunge them into unimaginable terror. It's a horrific power, one I wouldn't wish upon anyone. Believe me, physical pain pales in comparison."

Bella's eyes widened in alarm. "You sound like you've experienced it" she ventured cautiously.

Edward met her gaze "Let's just say I'm intimately familiar with his power," he admitted. "But you needn't worry, Bella. He can't touch you. Your mind shields you from his intrusions, the same way it blocks mine. However, Jasper and Alice's abilities do seem to affect you. I have a theory that it's due to the unique way your mind functions. My gift and Daniel's rely solely on accessing thoughts, while Jasper influences emotions on a physical level, manipulating the very chemistry in your brain. Alice's visions, on the other hand, aren't reliant on probing your mind; they are based on potential consequences of actions. That's why they both affect you."

Bella absorbed this information, a shiver crawling down her spine despite Edward's reassurances. "Not creepy at all" she finally managed. He let out a choked laugh, the sound echoing through the trees.

"Would you like to come to my house this week?" he asked, his golden eyes searching hers with a hopeful intensity. "Meet Carlisle, Esme, and everyone?"

The invitation hung in the air. Bella, caught in curiosity could only manage a hesitant, "Okay."

Hours later, as Edward relayed the news to his assembled family, a storm brewed once again in the living room. Disbelief and anger crackled in the air, most fiercely from Daniel and Jasper. Their haven, the sanctuary where the gnawing hunger and the constant pain of thirst stopped, was about to be breached for a mere human. Edward, once again, was jeopardizing their peace for a fleeting moment with his human.

Disappointment settled heavy in their stomachs. They were familiar with Edward's selfishness but it still baffled them. Daniel rose to his feet, a tightly leashed fury simmering in his eyes. He walked a few measured steps towards Edward. Then, without warning, his fist connected with a sickening thud on Edward's jaw. The room fell silent, the only sound Edward's choked gasp of pain.

Before anyone could react, Daniel was out the door. He slammed it shut with a force that made the pictures on the wall rattle. Emmett followed a beat later. They both knew Daniel needed to blow off some steam. A silent agreement passed between them, and they headed straight for the woods.

The familiar scent of pine needles and damp earth filled their lungs as they plunged into the green embrace of the forest. The rhythmic crunch of leaves underfoot and the cool wind whipping through their hair were the only sounds that broke the silence. The chase, the rush of adrenaline, would be a temporary escape from Edward's actions and his impulsive invitation. 

Author's note:

Hey, here's the chapter, as promised. Remember, I'm writing this based on the books, not the movies. That's why some things may seem different than how you remember them.

Votes and comments are appreciated.

Thank you for reading

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