Chapter 12: Ravaged Mind

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Anxiety gnawed at Daniel's insides. Edward having a human mate wasn't just unsettling, it was a potential disaster. The Volturi would not tolerate any exposure of their kind. The very existence of the Cullens, and especially Rosalie, hung in the balance. Fear prickled at him. He hadn't reported the situation, a selfish act fueled by a desperate hope that Edward would somehow resolve it on his own.

The whispers, those unsettling voices that plagued him, had intensified since Edward's departure. He could hear them faintly now, even with Rosalie curled up next to him, the comforting scent of her being his only disruption. He clenched his jaw, the urge to confide in her a constant battle. He couldn't bear to burden her with his turmoil.


The following day unfolded in a familiar rhythm. Rosalie, behind the wheel of her cherry red Corvette, her fiery hair cascading over her shoulders, took the lead. Daniel sat beside her, their fingers brushing occasionally, a silent conversation in a touch.

School was a monotonous affair. Lunch offered a brief respite, a chance to steal a few kisses from Rosalie. Then, at classes the amusement dancing in her eyes was evident when he effortlessly corrected the history teacher's botched account of World War I. His accent, a touch of posh British that never failed to charm her, rolled off his tongue as he meticulously dissected the historical inaccuracies.

Days bled into one another, each one a testament to the unnerving quietude left by Edward's absence. Alice, optimism shining in her face, broke the monotony one evening. "Snow tomorrow," she announced, a wide grin splitting her face.

Emmett roared with delight. "Snow fight!" he bellowed, launching himself at Daniel in a playful tackle.

A wrestling match ensued, a whirlwind of limbs and laughter. Rosalie watched the spectacle with a hint of amusement sparkling in her eyes, a silent adoration directed at her husband as he grappled with his best friend. Esme's voice, laced with mock sternness, finally put a stop to the chaos. "Not in the house, boys! You'll break something."

Emmett sheepishly released Daniel from a headlock. "Sorry, Mum," they both mumbled in unison, dusting themselves off with sheepish grins. Soon, video game controllers were in hand, a temporary truce declared as they battled it out on the screen.

Then, a sound pierced the comfortable domesticity – the unmistakable rumble of an approaching car, tires crunching on the gravel driveway. It came to a halt in front of the house, and a tense silence descended upon the Cullens. Edward had returned.

The promise hung heavy in the air. "I'll stay away from her," Edward had vowed, his golden eyes filled with a distress that mirrored Daniel's own. "Swear it," Daniel had demanded, his voice low. "I need to know we are safe, I need to now Rosalie's safe"

Edward, his face etched with a desperate sincerity, had replied, "I swear."


The following day, a pristine blanket of snow transformed the world outside. Daniel, his breath misting in the crisp air, joined Jasper and Emmett in a playful snowball fight. Laughter echoed across the snowy expanse as they pelted each other with snowballs. A wayward throw, intended for Jasper, took an unexpected trajectory, landing squarely on Rosalie's back.

"Terribly sorry, love," Daniel stammered, his heart leaping into his throat. Fear, not of the snowball itself, but of the potential consequences, colored his voice.

Rosalie, a playful glint in her eyes, spun around and launched a perfectly formed snowball that connected with Daniel's chest. A delighted squeal erupted from nearby as Alice joined the fray. Soon, the seriousness of the situation they faced was momentarily forgotten, replaced by the joyous chaos of a snowball fight.

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