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After swimming for a while I got kind of bored. I decided to ask Nico a question. "Hey Nico, truth or dare?"I asked. He looked at me kind of confused." Uh, dare I guess?" I high smile spread across. "I dare you to shadow travel to Olympus, and run into the throne room yelling 'Apollo help me! I'm hurt! I'm dying!' and then when he asks you what's wrong you have to say, 'I stubbed my toe,' and then if he asks you what you stubbed it on, you have to look at Demeter and glare at her and then turn back to Apollo and say you stubbed it on a box filled with cereal boxes. And if he says it's not a bad injury, you have to whine until he fixes it," I finished. "Are you crazy?! The Olympians are having a big meeting today and my dads gonna be there!" he said. "That's the least of your worries," Katie said "If my mom Hears you complain about cereal she's probably gonna try and tie you down with poison ivy or something," she said. "Great," he mumbled. "Just great," he was about to shadow travel away When all the sudden Piper spoke up. "Hey what if we all go to Olympus and we each have to do one dare to interrupt their meeting" she squealed. "Why not?" it said. We all greed this was gonna be fun. We all grabbed onto Nico and he shadow traveled us all to Olympus. We appeared right in front of the palace doors. This was going to be interesting, I thought.

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