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I walked into cabin and dumped all my stuff out of suitcase and onto the floor. I headed out to lunch bit Kara stopped me. "Oh no you don't!" she she said. "You are not leaving this cabin until all your stuff is put away neatly!" I groaned. "But then I will miss lunch!" I pouted "your loss," she shrugged. "I'm gonna come back after lunch and if all your stuff isn't out away right... Well, you remember what happened last time you made me mad," she smirked I stuck my tounge out at her. I did in fact remember what happened last time I made her mad. It was the day we were told that we would be attending high school. I stole her hairbrush while she was brushing her hair and she chased me around with a perfume bottle. I was covered in sparkles for the whole day.

By the time I finished, lunch was over. We all agreed to meet at the beach after lunch so I went down to meet. "Where we're you at lunch?" Jason asked. "I was forced to do the gruesome task of folding clothes and putting them away properly." I said faking a depressed sound. "I feel you," Frank said. "Hazel hates it when I leave my bunk area messy." Percy your acting like a whiny dolphin, if your just folded your clothes before you packed them you wouldn't have had to fold them before putting them away and miss lunch," Annabeth said. I fake pouted and gave her puppy dog eyes. She giggled. She stood on her tiptoes and kissed me on the lips. "All better now?" she asked. "I guess," I shrugged my shoulders. She kissed me again, longer this time. I had a huge grin on my face. "Definitely better," I said. She giggled. We all ran into the lake to swim.

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