Silly Clown Just Have Patience

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Silly Clown: No one is reading my story!

Solomon: Give it some time!

Silly Clown: Everyone else's stories is getting reads, except mine! That makes me a sad clown!

Shanequah: Quit being so dramatic! It takes time to get noticed on Wattpad!

Silly Clown: *sighs sadly* What's a clown to do?

ice_elizy: Like Solomon said, just give it some time!

Silly Clown: Maybe, I should just delete my book.

Dante: No, keep it up! Don't waste all that time and talent! What's the name of your book anyway?

Silly Clown: Clown Adventures.

Dante: Sounds stupid to me.

This story was written on Thursday, April 18th, 2024.

A/N Silly Clown needs to just have patience! People will read his book eventually! But then again, no one has to read his stupid clown story! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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