Inner Critic Got Scared By A Loud Thunderclap!! ⛈️

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Somewhere in Florida......

Inner Critic: I love it here. I.....

Storm Clouds: *gathering, making the sun fade away*

Inner Critic: Oh no.

Margaret: *Rhode Island accent* Looks like a storm is coming!

Inner Critic: I hate storms! *hears a loud thunder clap, and screams* HELP!!!!!!

Margaret: *laughing*

Inner Critic: I'm scared, Margaret!!!

Margaret: *Rhode Island accent* Let's go back to the hotel! *feels some raindrops*

Inner Critic: *cowering while hearing big booms of thunder* I hate thunderstorms! I hate them, I hate them, I hate them!!!!

This story was written on Friday, April 5th, 2024.

A/N Inner Critic, this is Florida! Thunderstorms are pretty common in the Sunshine State, but that loud thunderclap frightened you good!!! ⛈️ Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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