6 - Early Catch

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Harlem POV

I woke up the next morning with jade spread all over me with the sound of Symone banging on the door angrily .

"Bitch wake the fuck up ! I KNOW YOUR JEALOUS ASS GOT ME BOOKED FOR MACYS !" She yelled through the door " WE SUPPOSE TO BE SISTERS YOU SLEEZY HOE"

Jade looked up at me like I could do something as I sat still naked under the covers


Jade walked up to the door cracking it a little , and cleared her throat "I'm a little busy and Damn why you got all your lil friends in here"

"What you a little to busy doing ?! BEING A HOE ! FUCK THAT" Symone said pushing the door flying all the way open

I jumped up with the black covers in shock

As Symone , Bre , Sasha & Jewels walked in .

I had just promised her id drop my hoes yesterday and the next day , I'm caught up slipping DAMN

Symone began to beat up jade as the other girls watched making sure it wasn't too hectic but Jewels eyes pierced into me like knives , daggers , and bullets .

"Let me explain J-" I tried to talk

She cut me off "Nothing to explain Harlem , I gave you a chance , you blew it . I thought you ain't call lastnight because you were tired or something but this is your excuse for missing out . HA" she said before breaking out into a genuine laughter

I was confused as to what was funny but speechless at the same time because I did fuck up

"See you messed up with me to be with the bitch that litterally fucked your whole squad , matter fact the whole hood" she died of laughter even harder before walking out the room as the girls broke up the fight

"You ain't shit" Bre said as they walked out the house

Damn I fucked up , I threw on my clothes and rushed out after leaving beat up jade on the floor

"Cmon Jewels don't be like that" I said rushing over to the car

"You already knew I was hesitant on you from the jump and it ONLY took you one day to fuck me over . I gave you an inch and you took a mile . But that's okay cause now I see the nigga you are early on and it saves me time "

"Okay maybe I fucked up quick but everybody fucks up , everybody makes mistakes"

She shook her head with a I don't give a fuck smirk on her face as she rolled up the window and they drove off quickly

Damn , what Ima do ?

Jewels POV

As everybody Ampt up Symone on dubbing her sister I sat in the back of the car quiet

It didn't even take him but one day to fuck up ? ONE DAY .

Maybe I shouldn't be mad because we not together

I had a little faith in him though . Maybe a lot and I didn't even know .

I guess I like him a lot more than I liked to admit to myself

"Drop me off , I got to do something for Melo" I said lying

Soon as I got in the crib I got in the bed , feeling heavily defeated and restless for the day

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