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By the positioning of the sun, it had to have been almost ten o'clock when Hiei woke the next morning. The latest he'd ever slept, and he did not even feel revitalized. His head ached. His stomach felt sour. Glancing over at Airi, he could not help but smile. Her limbs sprawled out across the mattress, one leg hooked over his own at an odd angle, and an arm flung across her eyes. Most nights, she slept small, curled up against him or in the corner.

The dog, who at some point during the night had leapt up onto the windowsill, stared at him with its head resting on its paws. Jagan tingling, he knew her mother watched them. Too uncomfortable with that idea, the morning's plan beckoned him. Sliding his leg out from under hers, he sat up and stretched before trudging down the hallway to his room.

He ran a shower, trying not to think of how lonely he felt in it without another body pressed against his own. As the hours ticked by, resisting her grew more and more difficult. He'd become accustomed to having her whenever he wanted. It was especially painful after going so long without it. The act was different with her than it had been in the past - it was more addictive, and afterwards he was not forced to feel the sharp pangs of regret.

He thought of her birthday passing, and the technical threshold she'd crossed. Though she was no different than she'd been two weeks ago, or two months ago, society would now allow her unlimited freedoms. The way in which humans regarded age had always confounded him. He credited it to the brevity of their existence, a fact he'd once relished, that had since become an off-limits topic for his mind. When it did pop up, on mornings such as this, he convinced himself he'd done far more difficult things than extending life. There was a way, and he'd find it if he needed to.

Changing into a set of clean clothes, refreshed and invigorated, he headed down to the kitchen, hoping he would not see Genkai on the way. Unleashing on her was sure to leave him in a spiteful mood. It would be better to save it for later.

The man who'd shoved that sordid leaf in his mouth stood over the stove, stirring something in a pot. Unfamiliar with human food, he wondered if it was supposed to smell so unappealing.

"I see you've made a full recovery," he said, wiping his hands on the cloth around his waist. He stuck out one of them to shake, and Hiei ignored it. "I'm Haruki."


"I was under the impression you wouldn't be needin' any of this. What can I do ya for?"


"Sure. What kind?"

His brows drew together, annoyed with the interaction and desiring a swift exit.

"Okie dokie... in the cupboard, over there." He pointed. "You'll need hot water. I got it right here."

Feigning expertise so that he would not be bothered, he grabbed two cups from the rack by the sink. In the cupboard he found a handful of ingredients that looked like the ones he'd seen Airi use. Tossing them carelessly into the bottom of the teacups, he reached for the strange looking pot the cook had gestured to.

"Woah there! It's hot, don't be grabbin' it with your bare hands."

He scoffed and did it anyway. Humans had such a low tolerance for heat. And pain.

"You're a little crazy, aren't ya?"

Hiei glared at him. Grasping the cups, which he'd overfilled, he turned to leave. By the time he'd gotten back to her room, the liquid was tepid at best, and a good portion of it had sloshed over the edges. She was awake, and her wet hair, cascading in loose ringlets down the front of her shirt, suggested she'd taken the time to bathe as well.

Ikigai (Hiei x OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora