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Balanced precisely in the middle of a thick tree branch, Hiei allowed himself to enjoy this novel sensation of rest

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Balanced precisely in the middle of a thick tree branch, Hiei allowed himself to enjoy this novel sensation of rest. In order to keep his slate clean in Spirit World, he was no longer allowed to kill unnecessarily. Without this end result, seeking out trouble hardly seemed worth it, and he did not have a single lead to pursue in his search for his sister.

This new existence was boring.

He watched in a daze as the clouds passed overhead. His mind drifted with them, to a place most unwelcome. The girl. He had never known such weakness. Of course, any sort of companionship was still new to him, but to be in the presence of someone so soft was unfathomable. At least she had been able to stop the incessant spewing of her consciousness. It was distracting.

I never should have helped her. Now she'll begin to think we're friends. That is the last thing I need.

Each day that passed brought with it the reminder that he had gone out of his way not once, or even twice, but three times, to help this human. A part of him wondered if her powers included some form of subtle mind control, bending others secretly to her will. It was the only suitable explanation.

Best to be careful around her, until I know more.

A bird close by grabbed his attention. Its song was... unnatural.

"Hiei, can you hear me?"

He was on his feet in an instant. Was that sound coming from the bird?

"Hiei, it's Koenma. I need you in Spirit World at once. I have a task for you."

"A task, for me?" he said, a quick rage filling his voice. "I am no errand boy."

"Sorry Hiei, this thing only works one way! I expect to see you soon."

His head fell back in exasperation. Some days he yearned for his old ways more than he could bear. He visualized himself in Koenma's office. His next step fell on tiled floor.

"What is it," he hissed at Koenma as he approached his desk.

This ridiculous toddler, bossing me around. I could kill him and send the Spirit World into chaos in seconds.

"I have a tape for you to deliver. To Yusuke. It's his next mission."

"Why me?"

"I don't need to explain myself to you Hiei. I call the shots here. You better remember that if you'd like to be pardoned."

Hiei glared at him, sucking on that ludicrous ball. He threw his shoulders back and cracked his neck, working to release the anger that was building dangerously inside of him.

"Fine," he spat.

"Very good."

Koenma handed him the tape and delivered a set of basic instructions.

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