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October 19th, 2019


Hopkin's girls basketball team's first game of the season was a blowout, and the girls were nothing but excited. They walked into the locker room after the game yelling and chanting, banging the tin ceiling as loud as they could. They were equally as ecstatic walking out of the locker room. They all ran out to their loved ones with smiles on their faces. Paige however, walking calmly, and took her time. She was in no rush, knowing Leighton would be out there, waiting no matter how long they took. When the two girls locked eyes, their smiles grew quickly, just like their heartbeats. They quickly gave each other a long hug, knowing they couldn't wait any longer. Paige loved blowout games, where the bench players could sub in, and Paige could stare at Leighton from the bench. She loved them so she could hear Leighton's laugh even from far away ,watch her smile light up the gym, and see her have fun.

Leighton and Paige walked out of the gym in a close embrace, appreciating the company. Leighton smelled like vanilla and musk, her hair giving off fumes of hairspray. Leighton loved how Paige smelled after games, leather and coconut. She smelled fresh, even after sweating so much. They walked to Paige's car, blonde and brunette strands blending together as the two walked in sync.

"Hey, Jordan invited me over to hang out with the team at her house, I was wondering if you'd wanna come? We don't have to stay the whole time, you can spend the night with me if you want."

"Of course! That would be fun." Leighton smiled. Leighton didn't care to hang out with the basketball team, in-fact she was friends with them too. Being so close with Paige, she was guaranteed to hang out with the basketball team a lot. Paige sent a quick text to Jordan making sure it was okay if Leighton came, and they headed off.

Jordan's basement was the usual hangout spot for them after games. Most of time it was just a sleepover with movies and snacks. Other times it was doing stupid stuff in the streets at 2 A.M. The neighborhood Jordan lived in was exceptionally beautiful, just like her house. Most of team spread out on the couch, some in the floor on beanbags. Leighton and Paige sat in the middle of the couch surrounded by everyone else. Leighton's head was on Paige's shoulders, trying her best to stay awake. Paige rested her head on top of hers, Paige's pinky ever-so-slightly resting on Leighton's knee. This wasn't weird to them, or any of their friends. They were always like that, only few people questioned it.

"We're going to get ice cream okay? Do y'all want to come or should we just bring something back, I know she's tired." Jordan whispered to Paige, careful not to budge Leighton. Paige motioned to Jordan to just go on, that they would stay there and watch the movie.

Once they had left, Paige tapped Leighton a few times in a gentle way, careful not to scare her. "Leighton, you want some ice cream?"

"Mhm" Leighton said, rubbing her eyes as she was now wide awake.

Paige texted Jordan their orders, already knowing what Leighton wanted. Rocky road for her, vanilla for Paige. Vanilla reminded her of Leighton, but she swears that's not why she likes it. They both sat up and watched the movie as they waited for them to get back. Leighton broke the silence first.

"You did good tonight."

"Thanks Prince, it's good to be back in regular season. Your pom pom work was excellent." Paige joked, smirking.

Leighton gave Paige a gentle shove and laughed. Paige loved to make her laugh. It was the only sound that could ever make her melt that quickly. It was sweet, refreshing, a gentle reminder for the soul. They both got quiet, suddenly noticing the strangeness in the air. Leighton looked at Paige, admiring the beauty of her. How perfect the shape of her nose was, how the color of her eyes was so piercing it look effort to not fall into them, how her hair was down. Paige leaned closer to Leighton, smelling the hairspray in her hair, looking at the soft gleam of her brown eyes, how her red lipstick had been smudged, making her look even more beautiful somehow. The softness of her face made it hard to believe anyone could hurt her.

Leighton looked into Paige's eyes, then quickly down to her lips, and back up again, hoping Paige did not notice. They stare at each other knowing what they want to happen next, but understanding it never will. They will look at each other knowing this feeling will never go away, no matter what they do. They lean into each other without even meaning to, like a magnet that cannot help being pulled together. Their lips hesitate against each other, hovering slightly. They know it is wrong, but that does not stop them. Paige kisses her gently, but does not go deeper. Afraid that if once she gives in, she won't be able to get out. Leighton kisses her back, sliding a hand behind her neck.

Sounds of multiple footsteps interrupted them. They both pulled back immediately, fixing themselves. Paige's cheeks were flushed, Leighton's hair tossled. Jordan gave each of them their ice cream, and the girls that went out sat in their original spots. Leighton and Paige now sat several inches away from each other, hoping to forget what just happened. They wondered if anyone took notice, and prayed to God that what they felt for each other was not real. Neither of them ready to face the truth, never spoke of this night again. They went back to being best friends, regular Leighton and Paige. They knew once they recognized what had happened, things would never be the same. So, they removed it from their minds. They removed the night, the kiss, the feelings. Every single thing they felt for each other that was not normal, they hid so deep inside themselves, they could never find it again.


have yall ever read her name in the sky if yall have lmk bc they are giving hannah and baker so hard

Also im sorry for another flashback i promise stuff is about to go down

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