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April 3rd, 2020

It had almost been a month since Hopkins High School had declared quarantine among all students. It started with just an extra week of spring break, that shortly turned into quarantine until further notice.

Paige and Leighton were bored out of their minds. The two best friends spent every minute of every day together at this point, always doing something spontaneous. Usually it consisted of watching a movie at either of their houses, or late night drives with lots of singing. They weren't big on going out, they more so liked the company of one another, alone.

Tonight, they lay in Leighton's bed watching "Grown Ups," their favorite movie. They share a tub of Rocky Road ice cream, Leighton's pick. They watch the movie, doing their best to ignore the stolen glances or the accidental hand touching when eating the ice cream. That's usually how it always is, ignore the small things, and they will go away.

Leighton noticed Paige was being a little off. She wasn't joking as much as she usually is, or teasing Leighton like she always does. She was quiet, and every time Leighton looked at her, the blonde would refuse to look her in the eyes.

"Paige, are you okay?" Leighton asked.

"I'm fine, why do you ask?"

"Nothing, never-mind." Leighton gave a small smile. She wasn't too sure whether Paige was being truthful or not.

They went back to watching the movie, ignoring the awkward silence that had grown upon them.

"Actually, Leighton, I need to talk to you about something." Paige uttered, she sounded nervous.


"I- I'm not sure we should continue being friends after we graduate. I've been thinking about it for a long time. Please don't be mad, you did nothing. I think it's for the best. We both want to do great things, and we should be free to do them. I just need to focus on basketball and I can't when- " she stopped.

Confusion creeped upon Leighton. Tears were forming in her brown eyes. "Where is this coming from? I thought we made a deal to go to college with each other, I don't even know where you're committed to."

"We made that deal in 7th grade, it wasn't actually real. I think we should just take our own pathway, live life without each other for once. I just can't Leighton, I'm sorry." Paige said.

Leighton could not believe the words coming out of Paige's mouth. The girl she had known since elementary school, the girl who had known all her secrets, the girl who Leighton loved so much, gone in the span of 5 minutes.

"I hate you," Leighton spit.

"I know. One day we will find each other again, I promise. Just not now. I will wait for that time every day."

"Bull shit."

"I love you, I'm sorry." Paige said, there were tears in her eyes, but Leighton did not know if they were real, just like what seemed to be their friendship.

Leighton watched Paige leave her house, the only girl she had ever known, the greatest inspiration of a best friend someone could have, the only bond Leighton will ever find so strong again. The girl who changed her life for the better, had now changed it for the worst. Paige burst into tears as soon as she hit the steering wheel. Taking one last glance at the house she had spent every waking moment at, she drove off, knowing what she did was for the better.

Leighton sat in her bed in utter confusion. Nothing had processed yet, considering how random the situation was. How could she go on without the one, only person that truly understood her. The one person Leighton felt something for, whether it was friendship or something quite different. Paige was different. So, Leighton gave it time. She waited, and waited until she could not wait any more. She waited for a text, a call, something telling her that Paige wished she could take back what she did. She continued to live her life, haunted by the constant memories of the only person she had loved. She had to continue her life, knowing that everything she saw, heard, breathed, Paige once did too. Her life was a constant reminder of the one thing she cared about losing.

leighton prince has blocked paigebueckers

im sorry

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