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Today was the day I decided to go speak to my professor, Mr. Owen's, about my exercise science class and the assessment that comes with it. Obviously I'm nervous over the assessment, but I choose not to stress about it until later. If I don't do everything correctly, there is a chance my career of being an athletic trainer might crumble. I've wanted this ever since I was little, when I taped up P- someone's ankle after they had twisted it. I found it fun, helping others.

His office was cold, which did not help the nerves. I found I got too nervous sometimes, one of my flaws. Always stressing over something, hoping I can be perfect at it. I wipe my hands on my leggings, sweat forming when I see him out of the corner of my eye. But when the old man walked in the room, the smile he gave me warmed the room up entirely. He was tall, with white hair that was combed over as an attempt to style it. His eyes old with age, but filled with a gleam of love and belonging. "Hi Mr. Owen's," I smiled.

"Hi Leighton, you've come to speak to me about the project, yes?"

I nodded in response.

"Good, I was expecting you. I looked at your resume, perfect grades, you did spectacular in your last exercise science class."

"Yes sir."

"However, that does not guarantee a certificate from CAATE. You will need to pass this exam in order to move on to the next chapter. You will be graded partially on how well you execute your tasks, such as taping, evaluating injuries, providing first-hand emergency care, and preventing illness from your assigned athlete. Part of this exam will be graded by what your assigned athlete's final say about your performance is, so let's hope they like you. Me and some other fellow trainers will be keeping an eye out as well. You will be with your assigned athlete almost everyday for a whole year, so get comfortable. You will be at their every practice, monitoring their every move. After every practice day, you will chart your tasks you have completed and email me a picture. Some classmates will have to share, considering there is an uneven amount and it is a random draw. I will have it posted by the end of the week. Have fun with it, kiddo. Understand?" Mr. Owen's explained.

"I understand, thank you sir." I said, exiting the office, heading back to my dorm.

That was a lot of information to take in. I understood all of it, but it was still hard to comprehend. After speaking to Mr. Owens, I found myself stressing even more over who my assigned athlete is. If they don't like me, I won't be able to complete the course I need in order to get my degree. How fair is that? I was dreading this even more.


After I had gotten back to the dorm, it was already 3 P.M, meaning a perfect time for a nap. I decided to move in with Avery, even though right now she was switching back and forth between going home and staying with me. I insisted she could go home for the full summer, considering she lives close by, but she declared I should not be alone. Her big heart will get her in trouble one day.

Drifting in and out of sleep, I kept dreaming about something familiar, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. I recall a sweet laugh filling my ears and an event as familiar as deja vu replaying in this dream. I just wish I could remember.

Avery wakes me up with a soft tap on my shoulder, a bright light being the first thing to come to my senses. She shined her phone in my face pointing at the time, "It's 7 P.M and you've been asleep for-ev-er, so we're going out, get ready!"

I've been asleep for 4 hours, not my smartest choice. I was still half asleep, and I will be for god-knows -how-long, but maybe it will be good for me to get out. Not make friends of course, but to people watch, maybe. I liked doing that. I took my time getting ready, making sure I had enough time for my body to wake up, even though I already physically did.

I wore simple jeans and a black bodysuit, yes a basic bar outfit, but who really cares. Avery and I took an Uber, just incase. The bar was nice. Cozy, mostly just an average looking bar. Pool table, american flag, T.V's in every corner, you name it. I liked it though, the buzz I mean. I always did. Whether it was a party or just a bar, I loved the energy. Avery and I sat at the bar as she updated me on all the gossip about this university. I sat and listened to her talk. I wasn't that interested, but I could tell she had been waiting to talk about it to someone, so I let her. I pretended I was interested, as I stared off into a distance in my own world. I was snapped out of it however when every head in the bar turned sharply towards the door, as a group of 5 or so girls walked in.

"Ah, the basketball girls. Cool people, very intimidating." Avery said.

I doubt the cool part.

The first one that walked in even looked like she owned the place. She had dark brown hair, and brown eyes. She was wearing a tight grey crop top with low-rise black cargo pants, showing off her belly-button piercing. The next girl to walk in was short, with the whitest smile I had ever seen. I could hear her cracking jokes from across the room. The next player was taller than everyone else in the room, with long, purple and yellow braids. Next girl was about my height, with curly hair and memorable smile. The last girl to walk in made my heart drop, of course, Azzi. God forbid the reminders of her go away. I try to forget someone, and next thing you know it's like I'm being haunted, and her best friend is the ghost.

"I know they look scary, but they're really nice, I promise! That's not all of them though, there's usually more, for instance-" Avery goes on, but I am not paying attention. Azzi looks around the room, stopping when she lays eyes on me. Her eyes go as wide as humanly possible, I'm not sure what my face looks like, but I know it is probably not much different. Her face is full of sorrow, regret, and even worse, empathy. She looks sorry for what she knows happened to me, but it's not like she could've prevented it, it was my fault.

I know, I shouldn't say that, but in my mind, it's the only thing that makes sense.

I make up an excuse to Avery that I don't feel good, letting her stay knowing some other cheerleaders just showed up. I slip out the door before the past reminder of what I am trying so hard to forget tries to talk to me.



I hear the faint giggling of my teammates before they can even announce that they are home. They all went out tonight, but I decided to stay in, finishing an important paper due in a couple days. They all separate, going to their own rooms to sleep off the hangover. Azzi comes into our room, quieter than normal. I noticed she wasn't giggling like the others. We make eye contact and what usually is a silly smile, is a thousand yard stare. Her eyes are huge, full of confusion, panic, and shock.

"Youuu okay Azzi?" I ask.


"You sure?"

"Did you know?" She asks.

"What are you talking about?"

Blank stare. Shock, confusion. What is going on.

"Nevermind, goodnight Paige." Azzi gives a small smile, and turns away from me heading off to sleep.

Totally not weird or creepy at all, but I decide to not think anything of it. What could be so wrong?


i know nothing about college so pls cut me some slack 🙏🙏

also first paige pov

𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐃𝐈𝐃 𝐈𝐓 𝐄𝐍𝐃? ,𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐆𝐄 𝐁𝐔𝐄𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐑𝐒Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora