Escaping the Titanic part 1

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A/n: New chapter enjoy.

April 13th, 1912, at night

With Y/n and Blitzo

Y/n was not in the fucking Mood, cause Blitzo sent them back in time when The Titanic crashed into the Iceberg. Y/n was pacing around trying to figure out where the time-traveling book could be at. Blitzo couldn't sleep due to his mumbling!

Blitz: Y/n would you Fucking relax! some of us are trying to sleep

Y/n: Relax! we're on the Titanic! with No fucking Clue! Where the book is Who knows where that thing could of ended up, all because you wanted to keep me away from Loona.

Blitz: Hey, Can't you blame me for wanting to be a protector, and besides that, the captain did say this ship was unsinkable.

Y/n facepalms.

Y/n: Great, you don't know anything about human history do you?

Blitzo then sets up from their bed that they lied to the Captain to say they didn't have a room.

Blitz: Of course I do! what about 9/11, some hillbillies were having sex then it crash.

Blitzo then gets a good idea

Blitz: Say if we do get the book back, can I use it to go watch that day when it c, it was my favorite part.

Y/n didn't say anything.

Y/n: Wow Blitz, that was too Dark even for you.

Blitz: *damn it I should of chose 9/11.*

Y/n shakes his head.

Y/n: Lets, just fine the stupid book, before night tomorrow cause if we don't I'm going to Haunt you forever.

Blitz: How da fuck you'll do that?

Y/n: I'll think about it tomorrow.

Y/n went to sleep, while BLitzo could tell he was pissed off.

Blitz: *Shit, I hope Loona doesn't find out.*

Before Y/n went to sleep, he looked at his phone to see a selfie between Him and Loona after they met he sighs hoping to make it out tomorrow. But then he sees his phone going off, He widens his eyes thinking it wasn't going to work, it was Loona. He quickly answers it, he sees that Blitzo was a hard sleeper.

Y/n: Loona!

At I.m.p  2021, in the morning before Loona called Y/n.

Loona arrived at work she noticed Y/n wasn't here neither was Blitzo, Millie and Moxxie came in to notice her

Loona: *Damn, What kind of help did Blitzo need.*

Moxxie: Wow, Look at that someone actually ,made it on time.

Loona growls.

Loona: Fuck off fatty, anyways, have you two seen Y/n or Blitzo?

Millie: Last time I check he was messing with that time traveling book, the one that sent us and those three boys to the island when we met Black Beard.

Loona then remembers that Y/n was gone for a really long time, And If she had to guess Blitzo involve some how. Loona takes out her phone it was worth a shot. She calls, lucky for Y/n was able to answer.

Loona: Y/n.

Y/n: Loona!

He shouts, to her it sounded like he was in trouble she puts it on speaker for Moxxie and Millie to ear.

helluva human (Human male reader x Loona) +18Where stories live. Discover now