Chapter 9

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I grabbed Hunter by the arm and yanked him out of the House. I scanned the area, desperately searching for any signs of Amity. Webby’s warning still echoed in my mind ‘It’s not safe.’ What did that mean? Amity wasn’t safe?

The more I thought about it, the more panicked I could feel myself getting. “AMITY!” I screamed out.

“Luz, look!” Hunter exclaimed, pointing further into the woods. There was the unmistakable color of Amity’s-now rather long- purple hair.

I raced forwards, I knew Hunter was right behind me without even needing to look back.

“Amity!” I called out to her. She was looking down, and flinched when she heard my voice.

Once I had reached her, I made a move to touch her, but she jerked away.

“Luz, please.” She whispered. “Stay away, I’m warning you now… before he comes out.”

“Amity I can’t just leave you-” I replied, again reaching for her arm, she flinched away more violently this time, even taking a few steps back.

“Amity, why don’t you tell us what’s going on?” Hunter asked gently.

“Because he’ll kill me if I do.” Amity then looked up, her pupils were black and tears were falling down her face. “Guys, please go. Before he makes me-”

“Amity,” Luz said sharply. “We’re not leaving without you.”

Just then, Amity fell to her knees and a deep cackling noise came out of her mouth. “Foolish mortals! She tried to warn you, but you kids just don’t know when to get lost. Oh well, I guess I have to kill you sooner than I planned to. Sucks for you guys, personally, I don’t really give a shit.” The demon then stood up, grinning ear to ear, effectively stretching out Amity’s mouth way further than should be possible.

I realized then that there were hot tears falling down my face. I clenched my fist at my sides in anger. “If you think for one second that I’m going to sit here while you do whatever the hell this is to my girlfriend, you clearly have underestimated the powers of Luz Noceda.” I snarled.

It happened so quickly. The demon made a move to strike, but instead of hitting my flesh, it made contact with my staff instead.

It looked confused by how quick my reflexes were and tried again, this time getting a fire glyph to the side because of it.

I thought he said you wer-” It seemed to be having an internal crisis at seeing how skilled I’d gotten over these past few years of not fighting anything.

“Please, just get out of my girlfriend's body and we can end this.” I pleaded.
Hunter, who was to my left, seemed to notice something off about the creature, because he immediately struck it in the eye, making it howl out in pain. Both eyes had some weird gray dust float out of them and Amity fell to the floor.

“Fuck.” I swore as I immediately scooped her up in my arms. She was cold as ice. We were gonna need a real medic. “I’ve got her, you go call the twins!”

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