Chapter 3

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Dewey POV

“So, what’s new?” I grinned, knowing full well that Violet was not in the mood for my energy.

She took a sip of her coffee. “Nothing.”

I let out a sigh as I looked past her, staring at the beautiful scenery of Duckburg. “I hate how the world can continue to exist while we don’t even know if Louie still exists.” I mumbled.

“I don’t really want to talk about him-”

“Well I don’t really give a shit.” I quipped. “Besides, today’s the 3rd anniversary of them being gone, so that seems like as good of a reason as any to talk about it.”

Violet huffed. “I guess you’re right.”

“I usually am.” I smirked. “Now, let it all out Vi. Tell me how you feel.”

“What are you, my therapist?” Vi rolled her eyes, but looked down at her coffee. “I guess I miss them. I dunno, it just sucks that it ended this way.”

“Mhm.” I mumbled, munching on a scone.

“I just wish that maybe I could’ve somehow come with them. Or stopped them. But no, I was sitting around getting my brain wiped by Bill fucking Cipher.”

“Hate that bitch.” I agreed, setting the scone down and pushing it towards her. “Want it? I kinda realized that I don’t like fancy tasting things.”

“Dewey, that cost $2, it can hardly be considered fancy.” Violet deadpanned.

“Yeah, and I feel robbed.” I replied. “I feel like this would be the right time to go full Uncle Donald on the place and sue them for selling me crappy food.” I chuckled.

“Psh, they wouldn’t take you seriously, you’re too nice. Huey maybe.”

I paused for a second, appreciating how… normal this conversation felt. I was a bit worried that Vi hated me after what went down…

“Speaking of Huey,” Violet audibly groaned at his name. “What exactly happened between you two? I mean, I know about the assault from like 3 years ago, but did something else happen?”

“Well… obviously I’m still upset about that… but something else did happen.” She shifted in her seat, seeming uncomfortable. “He just got… weird. Like, he apologized for it and all, but then suddenly he started to think that it was okay to start trying to kiss me again. Naturally, I called him out for it and it led to us having this huge fight one night.” She sighed. “Come to think of it, that was the last time I’d been to the Manor since today.”

I racked my brain and tried to remember when Huey had told me about this. It was over 8 months ago.

“Jesus. You’ve really been away from us that long?” I recalled.

“Yeah, did you miss me?” She joked half-heartedly.

“Yes.” I replied sincerely. “You don’t even know the half of it.”

Vi’s eyes snapped up as she met my gaze. “What’s that supposed to mean? Are you okay? Did something happen?”

I’m glad Violet’s my friend at times like this. She’s always ready to take action, even when nobody thinks it requires it. Louie’s good at picking out girlfriends I guess.

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