Chapter 2

45 3 27

Huey POV

Here we are again… mourning the loss of the same exact family member we were already. But, this time, he dragged Webby down with him.

I’m not exactly thrilled by the fact that they have been gone for the past 3 years… but I also don’t really see how everybody can keep blaming it on Bill. I mean, from the sounds of it, they had the choice to walk through that door or not and they did.

It just pisses me off that nobody can see how this is clearly all Louie’s fault. He was the one who volunteered to go with Bill in the first place. He was the one who thought it would be a good idea to ditch Duckburg as soon as he got the chance.

Now, he left us to clean up after his mess, as per usual. Everybody took the news in their own ways. I think both Scrooge and Mom have gone into a state of severe depression. Uncle Donald has been trying to keep his cool, but he snaps way more often than usual. Dewey burned down an entire forest. Yeah, he was upset. Violet… she’s… coping, I guess.

And me? Well… I kinda accidentally kissed Boyd. Well, more like made out with him. We haven’t really talked about it…

I mean, at least I’m not still pining for my brother's girlfriend anymore, right?


The doorbell to the Manor rang and I was walking over to the door.

“Dewey! Gosalyn’s here!” I called out to him.

“Coming!” He shouted back, racing down the stairs. He tripped on the last step and fell flat on his face.

I shook my head at his stupidity, but he simply brushed himself off and opened the door. He looked confused when he did, so I stepped over to see what it was.

“Uh.. hey Vi. Didn’t expect to see you two here today.” Dewey greeted. Once I heard that it was Violet, I knew I needed to leave immediately. “Come on in guys.”

Shit. Lena was here too.

Before I could turn and escape to my room, I heard the voice that I’d hoped I could avoid for the rest of my life.
“Hey Huey.” Violet said.

I forced myself to look over at her. “Hey.”

“Huey, why don’t you come help me out in the kitchen.” Dewey suggested. I nodded immediately and followed him into the kitchen.

Once we were in there, I shut the door. “Why the fuck is she here?!” I whisper-shouted.

“I thought you invited her!” Dewey replied in the same tone before sighing. “Look, it’s okay if you don’t want to face them today, I’ll just say you’re sick or something and hang out with them. Besides, Gosalyn should be here soon so it can’t be that terrible.”

I shook my head. “No, I have to deal with this one way or another. Let’s just get this day over with.” I said.

“Okay… just text me if things get too weird and I’ll come up with something to get you out of there.”

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