Chapter 5

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Dipper POV

I sat in one of the hospital waiting room chairs, tapping my foot impatiently. I wasn’t allowed in Mabel’s room because she was only allowed 2 visitors at a time. Naturally, I offered to hang back so our parents could talk to her first. I just needed to know why she would even consider it.

What had gone wrong? Everything had been going so well since we’d come back from Duckburg!

I let out a sigh and ran my fingers through my hair.

Everything just sucks nowadays I guess. So much that my little sister, who is literally the happiest person on the planet, doesn’t want to be alive anymore.

There had to be a better explanation. If she was feeling down about herself, she would’ve come to me, right? That’s like, rule one of being twins.

Just when I thought I was going to cause a crack in the hospital floor because of how hard I’d been tapping the floor, my parents came over to me. I jumped up, ready to go see my sister.

“Dipper, honey… just be gentle with her.” My mom said, eyes watery.

I nodded and gave my mom a hug. “Love you guys.” I said as I pulled away from the hug, making eye contact with my father.

My parents look exactly how you’d expect them to be. My mom has long, thick, brown hair with blue eyes. She’s probably one of the strongest people I know considering she believed everything our Grunkles had told her about Gravity Falls without a blink of doubt. Mom always knows what to do and when to do it.

My dad on the other hand, has blonde hair that is starting to gray a bit. He’s more of a follower, my mom’s the leader. He pretty much follows whatever my mom says. One of the things that I really appreciate about him is that he’ll do anything to protect this family. No matter the costs.

I strode over to Mabel’s hospital room and knocked. A kind looking nurse let me in and walked out right as I entered.

“Hey Mabes.” I smiled softly, sitting down on a chair next to my twin and grabbing her hand gently. She looked okay from the chin up, but when you looked down to her throat, there was a nasty looking gash in it. I assumed she’d tried to use a knife… though it didn’t look as though it went how she planned.

“Hey.” She croaked out, staring into the wall in front of her.

I felt tears well into my eyes when I heard her voice. “Can you tell me what happened?” I asked in a shaky voice.

Mabel finally looked over at me with an uncomfortable expression on her face. “Dipper, there’s no easy way to say this… but I didn’t do this.”

“W-what?” I asked.

She let out a deep breath before reaching into her pocket with the hand that wasn’t attached to mine. Then, she dropped a dime onto her lap, as if it explained everything.

I just raised an eyebrow at her.

“Do you know what this is?” She asked, seeming afraid to even look at it.

“I-” I started to say I had no clue what could be so significant about a dime, then it hit me. “Oh my God. Mabel, why do you have that?!”

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