Chapter 7

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I let out a snort,"and did your mom ever let you use the oven again?"

Miles fiddles with his cup,"Yeah but only after like a month though.
She couldn't miss out on my amazing cooking skills for too long."

I drink the last of my hot chocolate and place it down on the table.

"I suck at cooking but my baking skills aren't too bad. I can make some mean brownies.
Next time I make them I'll bring you some."I say and look out the window to see that the sun is starting to sink quickly.

I look down at my watch and I'm shocked at how much time has passed.

"When do you have to get home?"Miles asks softly.

"No specific time. My dad is working the night shift anyways."

Mike nods,"Lets get you home before it gets to late."

I nod and soon we're walking out of the coffee shop.

Miles carries my bag for me (after a mini argument) and a comfortable silence envelopes us.

"You know you don't have to walk me home?"I say and smile at Miles.

He shakes his head,"In what universe would I just let you walk home alone. I thought we had established this after the party."

I shake my head in disbelief but actually I'm quite grateful.

Brooklyn later in the day isn't safe, like at all.

I can see my building in the distance and the thought that this could be my last time to talk to my Miles for a bit bothers me.

I don't know why but it just does.

"Hey Miles?"I ask and he looks at me.

I gather all my courage and wish I could punch the butterflies out of my stomach.

"Would you like to go out this Friday? There's this really cool action movie coming out which I've been dying to see and I think you might like it."

I hold my breath. Seconds feel like an eternity. Someone just knock me out ple-
"I'd love to May. Just give me a time and I'll come pick you up."

I turn to Miles and give him a big smile,"Cool."

We arrive at my house and I pull out my phone.

"You can give me your number. You I can send you the details and stuff."

Miles quickly types in his number and hands me my bag.

I glance up at the steps leading to my front door,"well I had a nice time."

"Yeah...I did to."Miles says scratching the back of his head.

I walk up my stairs and wave one last time before disappearing into the building.

Miles POV

I watch as May disappears completely from my view before doing a little celebration.

I turn my way back home, which should be about a 15 minute walk from here and feel myself grinning from ear to ear.

May. The girl I have had a crush on since Gr 5 has asked me to go out with her.
I even had coffee with her and we spent the entire evening talking.

Life has been hard lately.
Since dad was killed almost 2 years ago in the line of duty and I started helping my uncle with jobs life has been a bit more difficult.

I don't even know why May likes me to be honest.
She is one of the most popular, talentest, smartest and funniest girls to have ever walked this earth.

The only things I got going for me at school are my grades and the fact that people think I'll kill them if they walk too close to me.

It feels like I'm flying home and once I open the door I am greeted by my (angry) mom in her scrubs.

She glares at me,"Where were you?"

I rub the back of my neck sheepishly,"I'm sorry basketball went on a bit longer."

It wasn't technically a lie...I did play basketball today.

She just looks at me,"Did I raise a liar?"


"Are you doing drugs?"

"What no-I"

She takes a step closer to me and places her hands on my shoulders,"Miles tell me the truth."

I contemplate my choices and make the stupid one,"I was out with a friend."

"A boy friend or a girl friend?"she asks with a smirk.

I let out a groan,"Why does it matter?"

"So a girl friend."she concludes and pulls me into a hug,"my baby is growing up. How serious is it?"

"Not serious at all. We're just going to the movies on Friday."

A moment of silence before,
"AWWWWW. You're going on a date!"

"It's not a date."I say with a hint of disappointment in my voice.

Mom holds me at an arms length and looks at my face,"Don't be so negative. Movies on a Friday. That sounds like a date to me.
Now quickly tell me something about her."

I think for a few seconds,"Well she's very pretty, smart, student boy president and cheerleader."

"She sounds perfect."Mom smiles and drops her hands from my shoulders.

"When does your shift start?"I ask and walk over to the kitchen counter.

"In a half an hour. Uncle Arron said he's going to come around at like 8:30. Said he wants to show you something. Wouldn't tell me what it is, said it's a surprise."Mom explains.

I feel my mood damper a bit and nod.

Soon Ma is out the door and I let myself fall onto my bed.

I know what uncle Arron wants to talk about with me.
Since I started the identity "The Prowler" we've only done a few heists.
We only take from those who have more than they deserve, almost all the money we get, we give back to the community.

This whole thing started a bit after my dad died. Everyone knows who did it.
But Kingpin will never be pulled to justice. Our justice system has been corrupt for the longest time.

So my Uncle and I try to make our own justice.
Take from those who won't give society what we need and our next target is Kingpin, we want to take what he loves most, his money.

My phone buzzes and I see two messages.

-"I'm outside. Open up."

-"Hey Miles :) It's May. I can't wait for Friday."

Take a guess which message I was happier to see.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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