Chapter 3

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"You can put an ocean between our love,love,love it won't keep us apart"


Finally the last bell of the day rings.

"Okay class no homework,"we all cheer but the teacher holds up a hand," but only because we're having a quiz on Monday."

We all groan and I roll my eyes. That woman literally gives us a quiz almost every Monday.

But the week is finally over and after the fight on Monday it's been really quite too.

Miles didn't come to school the next day and flash just kept saying how he would have won the fight if not for his knee injury that he got while and I quote,"scoring the final touch down in the last football match that made our school what it is today."

Every time I hear Flash's voice I wish I didn't.

"I hate this teacher."MJ groans and I nod in agreement.

"So we meet at my house at 6?"I ask and MJ groans again.

"I totally forgot about that."

"No you didn't."

"Dont you have a detention to get to?"she asks and I glare at her.

"6 okay?"


We say our last goodbyes and I quickly run to my locker before going to the detention room.

My dad was not happy with me about getting a detention but he knows that I'm a good kid in general so he was just mildly mad.

"Yoh May don't forget tonight!"Leo shouts while running past me.

"I won't!"I shout after him.

I sigh as I open the door.

"May...not again."Mr Octavious shakes his head as he looks at me.

"I don't want to be here either."I fall into one of the seats in the middle of the class.

"Because of you and another delinquent I have to stay here for another two hours."he sighs.

Another delinquent?

But before I can ask, the door is pushed open to reveal Miles.

Man I be seeing him everywhere this year.

"Mr Morales hallo..again."

Mr Octavious looks down at his watch and stands up.

"I'll be back in 5 or 10 or 15, either way don't do anything stupid."

He walks out and Miles looks at him then at me before taking a seat.

He sits in a seat on my left, two tables away from mine.

I pull out my textbook so I can start studying for the quiz but don't feel motivated enough to actually do anything.

I glance at Miles to see him just glaring at the board in front of us.

The silence is killing me and I decide to try and make conversation.

"So...why are you here?"I ask before cringing.

Sure why not ask about the thing he is probably mad about.

Miles doesn't say anything and I take that as a 'stop talking to me, weirdo.'

"Flash"Miles Mutters and I look at him again.

"Oh yeah makes sense."I reply and Miles glances at me.

"You?"he asks.

"Nothing as intense really,"I shrug,"I was late to class once to much and the teacher hates me."

Miles smirks,"Why?"

I roll my eyes,"I think it's because I still have my entire life infront of me while she's about to fall into dust."

Miles let's out a faint laugh and I send him a small smile.

Silence envelopes us again but I don't want to let that happen.

"So what are your plans for tonight?"I ask and Miles shrugs.

"Not much. How about you?"

"Not much this weekend either but Leo invited me to this thing of his tonight and I'm going with MJ."

Miles nods slightly," Really? What a coincidence I'm going too."

"Cool then I guess I'll see you there."

Mr Octavious walks back in and tells us too shut up.

The next two hours go by slowly and I physically feel myself die of boredom.

"Okay guys time is up.Enjoy your weekend."Mr octavious finally announces and I quickly pack up all my stuff.

Miles and I walk out of the classroom and towards the exit.

I Look at my watch and click my tounge.

"MJ is coming over in about an hour to get ready. Are you going with anybody?I mean to the party." I ask and Miles nods slightly.


"Oh yeah I actually know him."I smile and Miles wraps a hand around a strap of his backpack .


"Yeah. We're in the same Bio class. I think we were even partners for a project last year some time."I explain and we finally reach the doors.

Miles doesn't say anything but I don't mind really.

If I try hard enough I can talk for two people.

I turn to Miles and wave,"see you later, Miles."

I turn around and Miles mutters a bye back.

You know I really don't know what to think of him.

Sometimes he's open and talkative but other times he's closed off and glum.

A few minutes into walking and I hear the roar of a motorcycle.

It speeds past me and I catch the shoes of the driver, Mile's shoes.

I didn't know he had a bike but it sure looks cool.

My phone suddenly rings and I pull it out of my pocket.

"Hey, MJ, what's up?"I ask and MJ starts rambling about the newest plot twists in one of her shows.

Miles POV

"I can't believe you didn't tell me."I complain into the phone.

Ganke groans,"Bro it's not that deep."

"I'll show what's not that deep when I shove my foot up your ass. How could you not tell me that you have been May's partner!"I push open the door to my mom's and I apartment.

"Okay I might have missed that detail but it's really not that important.Its not going too help you to finally make a move."

I glare at my phone,"I have made a move."

"Staring at her from around the corner like a creep does not count as a move, Miles."I can hear Ganke starting to munch on something.

"I do not-"

"Yes you do. All the time. But the universe has finally played into your cards. You guys have some type of relationship, even if it's just acquaintances in her books, it's a start."

I drop my bag on my desk and fall onto my bed.

"I don't want to be her acquaintance."

"Then you got to change that man."

"I will"

Because I need you, Miles (Spiderverse)Where stories live. Discover now