Chapter 5

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"I want a better body, I what better skin. I want to be perfect like all your friends. You look so pretty, pretty like the wind."


I put a fresh layer of lip gloss on and run a hand through my hair.

For the fact that I've been partying for a few hours my make up is holding up well.

I put the lip gloss back in my bag and look around the bathroom.

'I wonder what Miles and the girl were-'

No I don't even want to think about that.

I walk out and decide to join the party again.

The music feels louder than before and the air on the roof felt hot telling me it's time to go home.

I Look at my watch too see that it's 1:00 meaning that we got here at 9 so we've been here for four hours.

I wonder where MJ is?

I look around everywhere till I catch a glimpse of her hair around the corner and decide to walk closer.

"Hey MJ, I think it's time to-"I start but the words get stuck in my throat when I see that MJ is making out with her long time crush and best fried of Ned, Peter P Parker.

My moth drops open and Mj turns around quickly.

"Hey May."Peter says sheepishly but I just look at him shocked.

MJ jumps about a meter away from Peter and looks at me embarrassed.

We just stand in silence till I finally over come the shock and crack a smile.

"I wanted to go home but I can see you're busy."

"Oh no no we can go."

I roll my eyes at her flustered look and go to hug her,"It's fine I'll final a way home."

"It's not safe."MJ and Peter say at the same time.

"I'll be fine."I give her a small smile.

"Stay safe!"I shout as I run of before MJ can catch me but still hear her scream my name.

I go to the stairwell and a walk down all 5 flight before opening the entrance.

I pull out my phone and try to switch it on but it seems to have died.

"Shit"I sigh and look ai to the dark streets.

"Everything okay?"I hear Miles voice from besides me which scares the living out of me.

I turn to him and he gives me a sheepish smile,"didn't mean to scare you."

He takes another breath of his cigarette.

"It's okay and yeah I'm fine but my phone just died."

He nods.

"What are you doing out here alone anyway. Aren't you hear with MJ?"

"Yeah but she's busy and I didn't want to make her leave so I decided to by myself."

"You can't walk home by yourself."

"I was going to call an Uber but we'll my phones dead."I violently press the on button on my phone but nothing happens.

We stand in silence till he throws his cigarette on the floor, stomps it out and pulls out his keys.

"Ill give you a ride."he says but I immediately shake my head.

"No it's fine.I'll walk."

"I can't let you do that."he says.

"And why is that?"I ask and cross my arms.

"You'll get robed or worse and I can't let that happen."

"Oh, well I'll be fine."I say not wanting to cause him any detours.

He nods and just starts walking to his motorcycle that I can see in the dim light is about 4 houses away from us.

"Okay let's do this."I say to myself, grip my hand bag tightly and start cautiously walking down the street.

I hear the roar of Miles motorcycle approaching and fully expect him to ride past me but he stops right next to me.

"Get on."he says and holds out his helmet.

I shake my head but he just keeps on holding his helmet out.

"Come on, Miles. Just go home, it's late."I say but just gives me a pointed look.

"Either you take my offer or I follow you home till I see you enter your front door."

"You sound like a stalker."I smirk and he groans.

"Just. Get. On...Please."

"Fine,"I say and grab the helmet from him,"Just because you asked so nicely."

"Let me help you with helmet."he says as he sees me struggle and clicks it on correctly.

"Perfect." He mumbles but he's so close to me that I hear him.

Thank god for the helmet or he'd see how red my cheeks are.

Have a mentioned that he's really good looking?

He helps me onto the back of his bike and tells me to hold on tightly.

"I'll drive slowly for you."he says as I wrap my arms around him.

We suddenly jerk forward and I let out a yelp of surprise.

We race down the streets and the wind just seems to rush past me.

For once the New York air feels fresh and I let out a laugh at the feeling of freedom.

"This is amazing."I shout and smiles goes a bit faster.

The roads are almost empty or I just don't have time to comprehend any cars that we drive past.

We seem to take an endless amount of turns and I love it.

We come to a slow and Miles stops the his bike.

"We're here."he says and I unwrap my arms from his waist.

"Thanks for the ride, Miles."I say as I take the helmet of.

"It was no problem, May."he says as I climb of.

"Drive safely and see you at school."I stand their for a second before giving him a hug.

It takes him a second to respond but he quickly too wraps his arms around me.

After that I walk to my door and wave one finally time before walking in.

I walk up the stairs before something crosses my mind, how did he know where I live?

Miles POV

The second May vanishes behind those doors my phone rings.

I pull it out and see it's my uncle.

"What's up?"I ask, kinda annoyed that I couldn't wallow in this moment for longer.

"Come to my apartment. I have a job for you."

Because I need you, Miles (Spiderverse)Where stories live. Discover now