Chapter 6

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"Then I'll spill this blood for you."


"And he just drove you home?"MJ asks for the tenth time.


"Miles Morales. The untouchable, cold, tough guy drove you home out of the kindness of his heart."

I squint at my pasta,"Yeah...I guess. He wouldn't let me walk home alone so he gave me the option of either taking his offer or him following me home. I just took the quicker option."

Silence envelopes us and I look up at her. She's looking at me intensely and I quickly look around the lunch room.

Everything has been like always. People saying hi to me, teachers giving out endless amount of homework and well Miles and I hadn't spoken I said everything has been like always.

"He cares for you."MJ concludes.

"No come on. Don't makes it seem like he did something special. He's just an upstanding citizen who didn't want to let me get robbed." I argue and MJ let's out a laugh.

"Are we talking about the same Miles Morales? I've seen him let girls walk home plenty of times in various situations. I have stood outside at plenty of parties you dragged me to and watched him blow of girls who asked for a ride. Heavens no one except him even is allowed to touch his bike."

I roll my eyes,"Come on MJ, drop it."

"Why don't you want it to mean anything?"

"Because what does it even matter. Sure I think he's really cute and I might have even had a small crush on him in eighth grade for a reason that is still a mystery to me and I also find it super cool how he is some what untouchable but still at the same time in touch with what's important like school and-"I stop when I see MJ's smirk.

I decide to stand up and go to my locker early,"You know what? When I see Peter I'm going to tell him to give you a big fat kiss in front of everyone."

"He wouldn't do that."

"You sure? The Boy's in loooovvee"I tease and it's her turn to glare at me.

"See you in English"I say, clean out my lunch and make my way out of the cafeteria.

"Hey Sophie!"I hear Flash call from behind me.

"Yes Flash?"

He grins,"I'm coming for you as student body president this year. I mean who could even resist this body."

"Well they have been resisting that body since junior high sooo...
Face it Flash, you actually got to be nice to people so that they vote you."

"Or you just got to suck up to the right people."

I give him a surprised look,"oh so you're a suck up now?"

"What? No. Just-you know what you'll see it at the elections."he says and storms of.

I let out a quite chuckle.
It's just too easy to get under his skin.

The day goes by quickly and soon I'm stretching before cheerleading practice.

"And then I told her to back of."Dalia grins and I look at her with raised eyebrows.



"I'm proud of you for standing your ground."

She grins and scooches closer to me,"You know people have been talking about you? More than normally."

I look at her curiously,"How so?"

"There's a rumour going around that you and someone else got something going."

"What? Do tell me with who I have something going on with, I'd like to know."

"Miles Morales. People saw you guys leaving the party together."

I let out a groan,"no way."

"Yeah and is it true that you got to ride on his motorcycle ?"she asks with wide eyes.

"I mean yeah but we don't have anything going on. He was just being nice."I explain and stand up.

Our head cheerleader starts the music and tells us to get into our formations.

We shuffle in our spots and Dalia is still next to me,"Miles Morales being nice? Oh please."

"Is it so hard to believe?"

"Yes! So do you guys have something going on?"

"No. I'm telling the truth."

She nods and we focus on our training.

The hour and a half goes by quickly and soon I'm walking home again.

I finished most of my homework during my free period so I only have a bit of homework and studying left.

As usual I walk past the basketball court and look over at the game.

And as usual I see Miles destroying the others and they take a break just as I walk past.

Miles's eyes scan the area before they land on me.

I decide to get some guts and talk to him.

I stop at the bench where he's standing and now it's only the fence separating us.

"You play well."I complement and he thanks me.

There's only a few seconds of silence before Miles clears his throat.

"How was school?"

I roll my eyes,"Oh it was okay. The only disruption today was Flash trying to smack talk me about the student government body elections."

Miles stills,"Does he give you a lot of trouble?"

"Nah. All I got to do is call him short and he storms off."I grin and Miles chuckles.

"I'd like to thank you for giving me a ride home yesterday. You didn't have to do it."I continue.

"I wouldn't have forgiven myself if something had happened to you."he confesses but then quickly sucks in a breath at the realisation of what he said.

I decide to brush over it and start fiddling with the fence,"I'd feel better if I could maybe buy you a coffee to make it up to you? I have time now but if you're busy we can arrange another day."

Miles doesn't say anything and I'm already regretting the coming rejection.

"No, no. I'm not busy, like at all. Let's go."Miles quickly grabs his stuff and starts walking to the exist.

"Yoh Miles! Leaving us already! Scarred your going to loose?"some boy from the court laughs.

"Shut it, Will! I'll show you Wednesday!"he shouts back and meets me outside the court.

We start walking to the nearest cafe and just as we're almost out of ear shot someone shouts,"Enjoy your date!"

And Miles doesn't correct them.

Because I need you, Miles (Spiderverse)Where stories live. Discover now