Chapter 16

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Maria's POV

To say I'm jealous is an understatement. My baby called Antonio daddy and I haven't been called mommy yet, but I hope she does soon. I hope that this is the start of her settling in with the family, but this could just be her in some sort of little headspace, but I will take what I can get for now. Let's just hope she stays like this while we are out as it will make the trip easier and quicker since she does need a lot of things bought for her and having a baby who may make it hard would have been a nightmare to take shopping, but we need her there for sizes etc.

"Right, I think we should head out, yes?" I say and everyone gets up nodding their heads. "Be at the car in 10 then we will go" Antonio says as he walks off to the office with Alana before coming out few moments later with her car seat in his hands. "Love can you take her while I put the seat in the car?" "Yes, of course" I say opening my arms for her to be passed over. While getting passed over she reaches out to me, and it makes me smile wider than I already had been. "Come to mommy" I say lifting her to me and I walk over to the couch waiting on the boys coming downstairs.

As I sit down with Alana, I remembered that I forgot to grab her shoes not that she needs them as we won't let her walk, but they will help keep her feet warm. Just as I was about to get up to grab them Luca comes over with them in his hand. "Here you go ma, though these may be needed" "Thank you, I was just about to go get them" I say as I pass Alana over to Luca so it's easier to put her shoes on. She sits there silently playing with Luca's ring but with the look on his face he doesn't care and leave her be. "There you go, now we are ready, now we are just waiting for your brother and daddy" I say to her as I pick her back up again just as Xander comes down and joins up. "Car is ready, let's go" we hear Antonio shout.

Getting to the car I see my husband standing at the back door signalling to me to come over. I presume that's where the car seat is, so I make my way over. "I will strap her in love, you go get yourself comfortable" Antonio says as he takes my baby away from me which I do give him a pout at. "You will get her back when we get there" he laughs at me while he turns round and straps Alana into her seat. I slide into the other side of the car and make myself comfortable next to my boys while Antonio sits down beside Alana. "Let's go" Antonio says to the driver and that is us away to the shopping centre. "So, what are we needing to get?" Luca asks as he pulls out a notebook and pen. "Clothes for out princess, shoes, hair stuff, you know all the things a little girl needs" I say with excitement. "You're gonna make this a long day aren't you mum?" Xander says with a groan. "No, why would you think that?" "Because you have gotten yourself excited and you always go overboard when you are excited" Luca says as Xander and Antionio laugh.

The centre is only a fifteen-minute drive away, so we are there in a good time. Once we have parked, we all make our way out the car and Luca makes a grab for Alana before my husband can get to her. "You be careful with her boy" he says in a serious tone which just makes me laugh at their antics. Alana on the other hand seems nervous. "Careful boys, our princess doesn't look very sure right now" I say making them both stop and apologise to her. As we head threw the car park everyone stares at us while keeping as far away from us as possible. What can I say we are a scary family, and it is also scary to them when there are four bodyguards following along, just in case, as you never know when someone will try to get at our family.

We first head over to the baby shop where you can get clothes from newborns till the age of five so there will be plenty of things Alana's size there. This shopping centre isn't for those who have weak pockets, no, this centre is for the rich, so what ever we but will be great quality and Alana deserves the best. After about two hours, Alana has lots of new clothes and some shoes as well. We tried to get her to pick some for herself, but she stayed silent in Lucas arms resting on his shoulder, it was almost like she wasn't really here. I just want her to be happy.

Luca's POV

I finally got my chance to hold Alana, and no one was taking her from me, even though dad tried at the car. We must have been looking around the store for about two hours when mum decided that she had what she needed and went off to pay with dad. I held Alana this whole time and you would think my arms would be killing me, but she is so light and didn't move, so no, my arms weren't sore. We all tried to get her to choose something she liked but instead of interacting she would turn her face away and rub it on my shoulder.

While our parents are paying Xander and I decide to take our little Lana down the centre a little to have a look at a few other shops, plus I needed s new pair of trainers and Xander said he wanted a pair too. Two of our men follow us along, but we just pretend they are not there. We nip into the shoe shop and we both know what shoes we are grabbing so we make quick work of getting them before heading back out the shop. As we continue to walk, we come across a Disney shop and decide to head inside for a look around. "Dad just texted said they are coming to us and not to leave this shop" Xander says as he looks at me and Lana.

"Lana baby look" I say trying to get her out of her hiding spot, "Xander look at all these Disney teddies", "OMG look its Simba" he says with a gasp, it is really funny hearing us both sounding so childish, but it seems to work as she finally turns her head slightly and looks over to Xander who gives her a reassuring smile. "Do you want a teddy?" Xander asks but only gets a shrug in response. "How about we set you down and you can have a look around yeah?" I say placing her on her feet. She looks around a little unsure before grabbing onto my hand which I gladly take and smile at. Xander offers her his hand which she reluctantly takes but we are both happy she's willingly giving us contact and we know she is safe between us.

We start to walk around the store looking at different Disney bits and bobs, making not of anything she looks like she likes/wants while waiting for out parents to come. Not much seems to tickle her fancy by the looks of it until we come over to a section with lots of blue teddies. I though we would just walk past them all like we had with everything else, but she stopped. I recognise the character as Stitch from the movie we had watched earlier. I felt her let go of my hand a try to reach for one of them, so I picked it up and gave it to her in which she smiled at me in return. Man, she has the most adorable smile.

"Do you like this one?" I ask in a gentle voice. "Yes" she all bit whispers. I can't help but smile at her and pick her up with her still holding the teddy. We make our way over to the tills and pay for the teddy, I am more than happy to get it for her especially since she finally interacted with us even if it was only one quiet word, we would take it. Just as we finish paying our parents arrive. "What do you have there baby?" dad asks as he takes Lana from me. "Stitch" she says with a smile before resting her head on his shoulder.

"I think it's home time, someone looks like theyneed a nap" mum says looking over at Lana who is trying to keep her eyes open. Wemake our way out to the car, and everyone gets in while dad puts Lana in herseat. "Clearly was tired" he says now looking down at our passed-out princessbefore buckling her in and getting in the car himself. "Let's go home" he saysand that was that, we were on our way, all feeling tired from shopping but content at how well it went.

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