Chapter 25

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Antonio's POV

I begin to wake when I feel movement beside me, but I keep my eyes closed. I am comfortable and still tired from being up during the night with Lana, pool girl, that is 2 nights in a row she has woken up screaming but she still won't tell us why. I lay there for a few minutes knowing that Lana is still beside me, call it a sixth sense of something, but it is like I can feel her eyes on me, I could be wrong, but with my job I am always alert and aware. When I do open my eyes, I can see her beautiful ones looking at me looking slightly surprised and even a little embarrassed, it makes me chuckle inside,

"Good morning baby girl" I say as I reach over and brush some of her hair away from her face. I see her blush before turning her face down and into the bed sheets making me chuckle out lout but quietly as my beautiful wife was still asleep. "Right baby, I am going to get ready, then I will come get you ready okay" I say quietly as I stroke her back. Lana nods her head before looking over to me then hiding again when she seen I was still watching her. I give her a kiss on the back of the head and head off to get ready for the day.

I head over to the bathroom connected to the bedroom and turn on the shower after deciding a quick one would make me feel more awake. I brush my teeth while I wait for the water to heat up then I make my way over to check the water temperature. Once I am happy with the temperature I get in and being to wash myself and my hair giving it a thorough scrub with shampoo. After I feel clean, I get out, dried and dressed. Before heading back into the bedroom, I decide to run Lana a bath with some bubbled in just in case I can get her in one this morning instead of tonight at the holiday home. Once the bath is run, I head to the bedroom to see my wife still sound asleep and Lana has moved from the middle of the bed to my side and is cuddling into the pillow.

I walk over to the bed and sit down beside her, "Come on love, let's get ready and go have breakfast. I think mummy is tired and needs more sleep" I say before opening my arms and inviting her into them. I watch as Lana sits up and looks at me and then down to my open arms. I give her a moment to think about what she wants to do, not wanting to pressure her, wanting her to decide what SHE wants to do. After a moment Lana smiles a little then crawls over to me and into my lap, and what surprised me is that she wraps her arms around my waist and leans her head on my chest.

"Have I got a cuddly bug today hmm?" I ask in a whisper as I cuddle her back and kiss the top of her head. We sit there for a moment before I decided we needed to get up and get Alana dressed before the troops are all downstairs, and by troops, I mean my family, since my parents are coming with us now and they say they would be here for 10am and it is currently 9.15am so I have 45 minutes to get her ready and since she seems to be a cuddly monkey this morning I think I am going to try and give her a bath before I dress her for the day.

I pick her up and make my way to the nursery and place her down on the changing table. I begin to undress her without any complaints, if anything she was giggling at me pulling faces at her, I don't think she understands how adorable she is and how much I love to hear her laugh and giggle away. "Are you laughing at daddy? You are such a checky monkey, aren't you?" I say as I begin to tickle her which brings out some squeals of laughter. "Daddddyyyyy Stoooop" she squeals out "okay, I will stop" I do as I say and stop then I pick up her fluffy purple towel and wrap it around her before picking her up and making our way to the bathroom.

Once we reach the bathroom, I place Lana down on her feet and gently pull her hairband out so that her lovely long locks flow down her back. I take her towel off and pick her up, placing her in the bath with no protest like we would usually get from her. I kneel beside the bathtub and grab the jug on the side we use to wet her hair and fill it with the bath water. "Head back and eyes closed princess" I say gently, and she follows my instruction. Alana is in the bath for about 20 minutes by the time I got her hair and body washed while she sat playing with the bubbles while giggling away at herself. "Right princess let's get you out, dried and dressed" I say as I pull the plug out and just as I turn around to pick her up, I get a bundle of bubbles blown in my face. "Someone is feeling mischievous today" I chuckle at her antics.

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