Chapter 18

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Luca's POV

Ugh I hate Monday's, having to get up early and head to school. Thank fuck I am in my final year of school before I can stop going to the place, but I know dad will tell me I have to attend college like Xander is. He is currently studying Business and I know my parents will want me to do something that will be beneficial to the company and also the illegal side not that I will do much there, that will be more Xanders thing. have no idea what I want to do yet but business is not on my list, that is for sure.

I grab my phone of my bed side table, turning of yet another alarm that is forcing me from my sleep. I groan when I see that it is 7am and make my way over to my bathroom to shower and prepare for my day. Once I'm dressed and ready to go, I head over to look at my self in the mirror just to be sure it's all clean and I look good. I am wearing black jeans, a white shirt and a black blazer with much white trainers. As I make my way out my room, I see my mum with a sleepy looking Alana and mum doesn't look as peachy as normal. "Are you ok mum?" I ask when I approach her, "Yes, I am fine, just tired, someone had a restless night didn't they or we should I say" she says with a reluctant smile, one that I know well, it's the type of smile she gives when she wants you to think everything is ok, but she is not fooling me.

"Mum, what is wrong, no point in giving me the 'I'm ok but really not' smile" "Alana was up most of the night crying, don't know what's wrong, she won't talk" she says looking at Alana while gently rubbing her back. "Why don't you go get ready and I will take my little princess downstairs for breakfast" I say taking Alana of mum not really giving her a choice, lucky for me mum does not protest and heads back into her room to get herself freshened up and ready for the day.

"What's up buttercup? Why have you been crying?" I ask Alana and I reposition her to make it more comfortable for is both. All I get from her is little sniffles, so I leave her be for now. As we head down to the dining room, I place her in her highchair and ask the kitchen to bring our breakfasts out along with a damp cloth, before sitting down beside her. "Buttercup what's wrong? You need to talk to us" I try again to get her to communicate but get nothing in return, she is just staring out into space like she is in her own world so I decide to give her time and I will try again after breakfast. Just then breakfast is brought out and we both have chocolate pancakes which I'm glad for seeing she loved them yesterday.

"Here you go, yummy pancakes just like yesterday" I say as I bring a little up to her mouth but she does not more, does not acknowledge me or the fork or the food, nothing, it is like she is not even here. "Morning Luca, Morning Princess" our dad says coming over giving my shoulder a squeeze before kissing Alana's forehead. "Dad, what happened last night? Everything was going well but not she has completely shut off" I say with a little worry in my voice, "I am not sure, she woke up screaming during the night and had been up since but refuses to speak about it" he sighs before grabbing his coffee that was placed next to him when he sat down. It's not long after my mum and Xander come and join us and it's no secret that Alana isn't ok, everyone is worried, you can see it on their faces, and it does not help that she won't eat or drink.

It was now 8.20am and I had to get going to school but I really didn't want to with Lana still not having had anything to eat or drink and I can see on my parents faces that they don't know what to do and are overly worried about her. "Maybe I should stay home today and help in case you need any" I say, I want to be here for my family, but I also hate school so will gladly miss it. "Not a chance boy, off to school now" my dad says in a serious tone, "We will be fine son" my mum says just after. I sigh and get up from my seat and kiss Alana goodbye before heading for the door. When I get outside my car had been brought round to the front of the house, so I quickly jump in and begin my journey to school.

Xander's POV

When I woke up this morning, I felt really tired and I know it's due to me having college this morning and I know for a fact that I have an assessment which I really can't be arsed for but dad would kill me if I failed, he expects nothing but the best in everything, even our grades, they have to be the best. When I came down for breakfast, I noticed that it was quiet, even though everyone was already here so it made me wonder what was going on. After mumbling a morning and sitting down I glance over at everyone properly and see worry, then I look at Alana and it is clear she had been crying but now doesn't look like she's here, I wonder what is going on. I look at my dad and he gave me a shake of his head which is a clear indication to not ask, I will most likely get told later, so I eat my breakfast and say goodbye to everyone just after Luca left.

On my way to college, I play my music and try to think about everything that will be asked in this assessment this morning. Once it's done, I will get to leave and go home so I just want to get in there, do it and come back home. It's a 30-minute journey to the college, so I have plenty time to go over it all as I drive and before long, I am pulling up to the carpark and see my friend waiting on my as he does most days. "Hey man you ready for today" My friend Max asks as we make our way inside, "Yeah I guess, just want it done so I can go home asap" I say as we reach the college doors and I push them open heading threw. "You never normally are in a rush to get home, why are you now?" he asked me with a questioning face so I tell him about Alana, obviously I haven't said she was kidnapped and forced into this, but I did say we adopted her and I want to get home to spend time with her, Max being Max though this was super sweet and if I had the energy to id smack him for it. Just then we reach our class and make our way threw and over to the seats that have been assigned to us for this test. The class is loud as more people fill in and take their places and before long the lecturer comes and tell us all to quiet down and went over the assessment instructions before saying 'once done, you can go' then giving us the green light to start.

It took me 2 hours to complete the assessment and I was quick to get packed up and hand it in before turning around and heading out giving Max a nod on passing. I speed walk to my car and get ready to make my journey back home. As I sit down with a smile, I think about what I can try and do with Lana for the rest of the day. Just as I am preparing to set off my phone rings, I look down and see it's my dad, so I quickly answer, "Hey dad is everything ok?" "Not really, Alana still hasn't spoken or eaten anything so your mother is beside herself and there has been an issue with our lates drop so one of us needs to go deal with it and I wanted to ask what you would prefer, deal with the issue or come help your mother, she needs a break but I have lots to do and Alana needs the distractions," he says in an exasperated tone, I can tell he is stressed and tired so I think for a moment what would be best for him.

"I will come help mum, I think spending some time with Alana will be nice and your better at the business side" I say mostly wanting to be home as I really don't have it in me to deal with whatever the issue is. "Ok son when will you be home so I can go, I don't want to leave your mother and sister alone right now" "30 minutes max dad" "Ok see you soon I will wait until you come before I head out" and with that we end the call and I take off out the carpark and make my way home. 

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