Chapter 10 On the road

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It's been about months since they've been at the neighbourhood so long, but finally, they were able to come back. After doing so much, they were finally able to leave and go back to the neighbourhood. It was a good thing they were able to have this RV to take them back finally after so long they were able to get back to the neighborhood. They've been away for so long and have left somethings on some not great terms.As it's taking a long time to get back to the neighbourhood but soon it wouldn't be so long until they all got back.It's been so long and they had to do so much of that work but finally they were able to go back to the neighborhood.

It's been so long finally everything that they had to do it now they don't have to go back into doing that kind of stuff. All of those things they had to do is finally over. It was all worth it to get back to the neighborhood. It was taking some time on the road, but it was worth it to get back there. Everybody else would be waiting there how long it's been since they've all been at that neighbourhood.

It's been so long soon. They'll be back at the neighborhood. Though on the way back while on the road there seems to be something different about it. They honestly really didn't care though.Because at first it was barely noticeable, but afterwards it became a little bit more clearer. But he was still small to notice as everybody was simply excited to go back there.

It has been so long. How many years has it been? It could've been that long. But those thoughts continue to pursue in their heads while there was another vehicle attached to the RV. But all of the things that they had to do will be worth it to be back at the neighbourhood.There is so much to catch up on how much has changed. There was so many things that could be different now in the neighbourhood since they've left.

It's been so long since they've been there after all so it only made sense that there will be some changes on the way back to the neighbourhood. There are some changes that they've noticed but didn't seem to care. As they were far too excited to get back to the neighbourhood being away from there for so long though they don't know how long it's been.

Being far away from the place they all called Home from friends and family to go off and do somethings. It will be all worth it though to be back. There was so much to catch up on so many things to explain and how to explain it, but it will be all worth it to be back there. As things are getting ready for dinner soon they'll be back at the neighbourhood.

Not noticing that the road seem to be covered in some strange vegetation, including some weird red fog coming in.As they were too busy enjoying themselves and couldn't wait to get back and explain to everybody what happened and to make up for all of the time they've been away.There is even more strange things out of place as the further the RV continue to go in deeper, the red fog got more visible.

The strange vegetation as well as the road seem to be covered in the strange vegetation, including symbols. As they didn't notice until there was a sound when getting closer they saw the new surroundings that apparently came as they realize something might have happened to the neighbourhood while they were away, but what could've happened.

They honestly don't know as the sounds continue to happen as they realize that whatever happened to the neighbourhood wasn't normal at all as they needed to go somewhere before going to the neighbourhood.Soon they got out some equipment they were able to keep as they also went over somewhere else as they were going to go to the neighbourhood by foot.

As they need to be prepared of what happened to the neighbourhood as they already have a map as they were putting on some uniforms.Once they have been able to pack everything. They found a place to leave the RV so the no danger will come to it. Because they have a feeling that they might need to come back here as they were getting ready to get back to the neighbourhood on foot.

They also realized on the way back that the strange plantation was covering the way into the neighborhood, but the RV quickly drove way through the vegetation, but it repaired itself. They didn't seem to notice it at the time, but now that concerned them. After leaving the RV, they soon left on foot getting back to the neighborhood.

As they have a feeling something happened while they were away but whatever happened, they need to figure out for themselves.It's seems that things have changed a lot as well while they were away from the neighbourhood, but whatever it is, it didn't seem natural at all as they have a feeling something bad happened to everybody in the neighbourhood.As there is a feeling that is happening of concern to everybody in the neighbourhood.

While traveling, not only that they noticed the strange vegetation and the fog, they also noticed some bogs of water. That wasn't there before, especially the fog in the weird vegetation, including the clouds covering the sky that was completely strange.There is a lot of feelings forming from them at whatever it's going on they seem normal.

But they didn't notice that something is watching them as whatever it is didn't seem to like them at all,as whatever it is sees them as a threat to the neighbourhood.As whatever it was doing, was watching and waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike at them as they were on their way back to the neighborhood, as feelings of concern continued through them. Knowing that something happened and whatever it is, wasn't good at all.

[TW warning for the next chapter: Bite.]

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