Chapter 2 Busting out

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You didn't know what to do in the situation that you have found yourself in. It was honestly quite strange to say the least. Not to mention waking up in a sentient building as you notice the red fog there as it was becoming much more easier to make out details.It doesn't take long for you to realize that it was becoming morning.

You needed to get out, but you still couldn't get yourself out of this chair that you were tied down to as there was another sound. You had no idea what it was but you didn't want to know what the sentient building wants to do with you as you need it to figure out how to get out of here as it. You felt whatever was holding you onto this chair, being a little bit smooth and somewhat slimy, but mostly smooth.

You then realized that you were being held down on the chair by some strange, black, smooth tentacles, that was somewhat slimy, but mostly smooth. You notice how there was a strange pattern to it as well as the pattern has red rose vines with thorns, as well as some red roses. It just confuse you even more as to what exactly is happening. You then felt the tentacles moving closer to you as that strange sound got louder as well.

You didn't know what exactly is going on, as he felt the cosy presence becoming somewhat stronger. You had no idea what was going on as you felt your adrenaline going crazy trying to get you out of whatever it is that you found yourself in.Then the strange sound seem to sound familiar, that the strange sentient building was emanating then you recognized it. It was a purr how is that even possible? As you found is completely strange as what exactly what kind of situation you were in. You zoom started getting lost in your thoughts as you were thinking of a way to escape.

("How is it possible for a sentient building to purr it doesn't make any sense.Ok I can't get distracted right now because I need to figure out how to escape. It also looks like it's morning now. How long was I unconscious for? That doesn't matter right now what does matter is trying to get out. But how do I get out?")

It was going to take a while for you to figure out how to get out of here as you can't help, but feel a strange feeling of comfort as you don't understand why it feels like that, as you did not realize that your body started to relax on its own.As you cannot have  yourself getting comfortable in this. This was strange to say the least, and you cannot let yourself to give into this temptation of comfort.But you can let yourself give into it. It was quite unusual to say the least, as you were trying to thinking of how to escape.

You did not realize that the tentacles that kept your arms and hands on the chair, loosened up, releasing your arms and hands. You didn't understand why this happened but you are not going to question it as you notice a red telephone on one of the tables it looked like a phone you would see in the 70s. At least that's what you thought yourself as it started ringing. You couldn't resist it as you then went up and picked up the phone then you realize that there was a voice coming out of the phone, though you don't recognize this voice.

"Hey there sleepyhead did you have a nice nap? Of course you did have a nice nap. I made sure of it. Though I did not expect you to wake up when it was done. You were quite a heavy sleeper you know. As well as being cute."

"Are you the one who kidnapped me and brought me in the sentient building!? What's the big idea? Why did you kidnap me? For what purpose do you have to gain?"

"You are already flustered, when I called you cute.Also I did not kidnap you I found you unconscious, lying down on the road.In a pretty bad today to say the least. You are to be more careful."

You can't help but get frustrated at whoever is on the phone right now.It simply frustrated, but you can have a wonder how this whoever it is on the phone knew that you were flustered, when you were called cute it was quite strange to say the least. You need answers as to why whoever is on the phone knew that you were blushing it didn't make any sense to you. You really needed the answers.

" Alright I'm just gonna say this how do you know I'm blushing and where are you and who are you?"

"You don't know I'm seeing you blush right now. Also, do you know where I am since I'm seeing you blush right now by the way, you can call me Home."

That's when you realize that when whoever was on the phone spoke to you about already seeing you blush right now it was the building. You look at the windows that were also eyes for the sentient building, which gave out his name Home. As many feelings search throughout your body and you had no idea on how to deal with this.As the voice on the phone continue to speak to you.

"You seemed a bit surprised at that. It doesn't matter anyways. The others are going to be so thrilled to know that you are awake."

You then felt your heart stopped when you listen to the word others was there more and if so, how will you escape this? You have no idea and you have no idea. What are you even are and why are you here to begin with? It just didn't make sense as you didn't notice that the living building which you now call Home because he gave out his name had released his tentacles on you and are now somewhere else.

It makes a big difference for you as you let go of the phone and quickly made your way through the door as fast as you could before Home could react as you quickly went out through the door as you quickly laid down on what appeared to be a patio as well as you notice a red fog. Not to mention some clouds covering the entire sky as you got up and looked around you realize that there was some strange swamp vines and plants as well as some lagoons. You notice some bugs that had strange patterns to it, as you noticed some of these strange plant vines well on some buildings, except for the one you escaped from.

You already know the building that was a house apparently with the eyes is called home as you needed to find a way out of whatever this place is you think it's a neighbourhood but it's also a swamp it just didn't make any sense. Also, why did the butterflies had a strange pattern with red and white hearts? It didn't make any sense.As you headed over as you were walking on the patio look to see many lagoons that were red with white lines shaped like hearts as you saw some of the swamp plants covering up some of the buildings except for Home watching you leave.

You didn't waste any time as you continued going off, and who knows where is the red fog was covering your vision as the clouds that are covering the entire sky was not helping your vision.But Home didn't seem that worried about it as something was being created within Home as it was a figure of some sorts. The phone gave out one more message before turning off.As there was a faint red glow that was shaped like hearts in Homes eyes for a minute before vanishing.

" Don't worry neighbour I'm coming to get you. But you will meet other neighbours soon it will be amazing that the others will see you soon."

[A/N: So there will be facts in my love rot AU about those that are infected called:The [love] facts about those that are infected. What are the supernatural abilities what they like and dislike, and what they look like. The same will go for the hazmat workers. including Y/N. Also Y/N is gender neutral.]

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