Chapter 6 The [love] facts pt.2

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{Welcome back to The [love] facts as this still counts as a chapter, including the rest and others that will be out soon with some other chapters as well when Y/N meet some more of the neighbours and the people in the hazmat suits.But just wanna get this out of the way that there will be a set 2 to the [love] facts as the second set will dive into some lore as well as many other things as well.But for now it's only the first set of the [love] facts as then there will be some more information as well right now however, is more of the [love] facts}


• Jackie got infected by the love rot by unknown origins as it soon began to change him physically, and mentally as he became very clingy as well as being overprotective and crazy as well like the joker in a way as his memories have become fractured like the others, not recalling anything of his past as the love rot gave him all kinds of supernatural abilities [as he might've have some before, as he does not realize] as he does remember some bits and pieces of his fraction memories that he has a house as well as an ice cream parlor, the rest is simply too fragmented to recall.

• Jackie is absolutely excited when you came to be a part of the neighbourhood as he might've scared you the first time when you entered his ice cream parlor, but he can make up for it soon he didn't mean to get so carried, the way it just has been so long since there was a new neighbour as he was going to do everything he can to protect you and keep you safe to also make sure that nothing takes you away from the neighbourhood as well

• Jackie is still Home's best friend


(Likes & Dislikes)

Likes: Sweets, fluffy materials, fantasy and family, including funny films, story books, lullabies, games, abstract, painting, flowers, soft lights, pop, and auto remix music, milkshakes, making some ice cream, testing some ice cream, fruits[favourite are strawberries], spending time with the other neighbors, including his best friend, butterflies, puzzles, bubble baths,& most importantly you.

Dislikes: Scary films, cheating, sours[except for some sour and sweet candies], limes, uncomfortable materials, veggies, bullies, spoilers, rule breakers.



| Abilities| Limb extension, teleportation[doesn't use it that much], using plants, using butterflies,body alteration, phasing[doesn't use that much], creating crystals, becoming slimy[it is very rare when the physical form becomes slimy, but the sliminess of the physical form soon leaves], vomiting, some flowers, as well as some black liquid[or in his case, rainbow vomit as well], transformations[only caused when the body alteration in the limb extension goes away too far], crystal like vomit as well[as the crystals can be created in many ways, some coming off of the body, as well as some strange crystal like vomit], many other abilities, not known.



Before: kind, gentle, sweet, carefree, loving, caring, goofy, relaxed and happy, playful, zoned out.

The love rot: unhinge, crazy, possessive, clingy, aggressive, zoned out, family yandere, overprotective, loving, caring, jealous, playful.



• Jackie physical appearance changed quite drastically like his mental state, his physical appearance has changed as the brown patches of fur became red as his teal vest also became the colour red with white hearts on it as he still has his rainbow, coloured eyes, and his black eye pupils though something strange can happen to his eye pupils he can control it sometimes


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