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Hermione's POV.

I watched Molly as she fried some bacon. I was thinking about Charlotte. What if she is dangerous? She seemed alright though. But I am still suspicious.
A dog barked from outside.
The Weasley's don't have a dog,do they?
I turned to Ginny who looked confused.
" You don't have a dog! What's th-"
I was interupted as I heard another bark. Molly sighed as a dog ( Irish Setter) ran into the kitchen. She tossed it a piece of bacon. The dog jumped up to catch it but Fred snatched it out of the air. He waved it in the air ad tossed it George who ripped off a piece and ate it. He licked his lips and said "Yum yum yum". He tossed it Fred. The dog turned into a wildcat and bared it's teeth.
I could not believe my eyes.
Fred shook his head. It turned into a puppy. And made a sad face.
George laughed " The sad eyes don't work on us."
The puppy growled and turned into a bear.
Ginny and I screamed. I don't even know what to think!
Fred dropped the piece of bacon in surprise. The bear turned back into a puppy and ate the piece. It jumped up onto the counter and ate a piece of raw meat.
" Yuck!" George said.
"You're not a real dog there's no need to behave like one." And then to my surprise the dog turned into Lottie who continued eating the raw meat as she scowled. " I might as well be one. " she said darkly.
Molly turned away as she sighed again and shook her head.
" Blimey!" Ron yelled "What the hell was that!"
Food flew out of his mouth but I couldn't even say anything.
As Charlotte started to explain I thought: She is most definitely dangerous.

Nobody's POV

Lottie opened the door into the girls bedroom.
" Hermione? Where aaaaare yoooouuu?
Hermione was lying on the bed fast asleep.
"Oh? You're sleeping!" she whispered as she walked up to the bed.
"You must really be wiped out. No wonder, you're reading constantly. I don't think you have time to sleep. "
She giggled and then grinned. "Looks like it's time to geeently quiiiietly hold...your nose!"
" Bh...gnnnk..nrghhhh..nhrk!BWARAGH?
Wha-?!. Voldemort! Bear! Voldemort riding a bear! He's coming... all...Wait a moment." She looked up in confusion at Lottie.
" Tee hee hee hee hee! AAAAH haha aha ha! BWARAGH?! Oh my, that was HILARIOUS! Heeee hee hee!" Lottie laughed.
"CHARLOTTE WEASLEY! I was fast asleep!"
Hermione looked at her with rage.
"And dreaming of Voldemort and bears,apparently?"Heee hee hee ahaha!
Lottie continued giggling. "I'm sorry. I tried to resist. But it was just too perfect! "
" See! That's why I don't trust you! "
Lottie stopped laughing.
" I knew it! "
"Look Dumbledore doesn't just say people are dangerous.
" I know I told you I'm an Animagus! "
" That's not really that dangerous. "
" Here Mad-eye is going to be teaching me stuff in half an hour,why don't you come? "
Hermione's POV

I followed Mad-eye and Lotta into the forest.
" Okay Weasley! We need to use your ability to your advantage. "
" Right"
" So do something"
She turned into a bear and pulled a bush out of the ground . Then she turned into a wolverine and raced up a tree ,next she turned into a monkey and grabbed the book I was about to start reading out of my hands. She jumped down and turned into herself.
"The speed of you changing is remarkable"
" When I have a task I can ignore my mood. "
" Good. Here."
He handed her a wand.
" Whose is this?"
" Fred's. He says his wand always worked for George and George's always worked for him. I assume it would be the same with you."
" Ok"
She waved it around. Red sparks came out of the end.
"Yeah. Now I want you to disarm me."
Mad-eye flew back a couple of feet.
" Okay .here"
He gave her the wand he was holding.
" What's that?"
" It's a wand I got from a Snatcher. Since its mine it should work for you. "
" Oh."
" Okay."
Mad-eye started telling her stuff to do and I watched as she made branches, rocks, leaves and pieces of mud zoom torwards her and stick together.
Soon she had assembled three dummies. Mad-eye used a couple of complicated spells (I must ask him about them later.) to control them.
One of the dummies threw a rock at her while the others started to run at her.
She ducked and and yelled
The other two crashed into the invisible wall.
But as she dueled with the two dummies, she forgot about the first one.
It had picked up a stick and just as she was about to turn around it hit her on the head.
She yelped and turned into a wildcat ,she pounced onto the dummy and ripped off its head. Then she turned into a bison and head-butted into one of the dummies.

And then it hit me. Of course she's dangerous! She can turn into a bear and rip off a persons head before they could say
" Help! "
She then turned back and pointed her wand at the last dummy.
The dummies head burst into flames.
She straightened her ponytails.
" Lesson over."
Nobody's POV

Two girls walked side by side torwards the Burrow. Lottie pulled out a Hubba Bubba pack out of her pocket.
"Want gum?"
" Yes,please."
Hermione felt guilty. Yes,Charlotte was dangerous but she would never hurt any of her friends on purpose.
" I'm sorry about not trusting you."
" It's okay. Anyways,there's something I should be apologising about. "
" I'm sure I can forget it if you forgive me"
" Sure"
" Well the real reason I came to your room was to tell you that...well you see, George and I invented these Quills that make everything you draw look AMAZING and I was testing them out in your big,big, big book of spells. So I was doodling this pic of you and I kinda spilled the ink aaaand kinda ruined the book...kinda completely. It was an accident , I really really really really really didn't mean to! "
Hermione eyes nearly popped out of her head when she heard Lottie's confession.
" WHAT! THOSE ARE REALLY RARE SP-...Um I mean it's Ok."
Lottie gave relieved sigh.
Fred's POV

Lottie and Hermione came inside. Both of them were chewing something. Then suddenly a green bubble came out of Lottie's mouth as she sat down between me and George. The bubble grew larger.
"What's that?" I prodded it.
"Woah. What's that?" Asked George
" Wait are you telling me you haven't seen bubble gum before? "
" No, what's that?"
George cautiously touched it.
" Ew! It's covered in spit!"
" George were triplets! My spit-"
"- is your spit. Your spit is-"
"-Fred's spit,and Fred's spit-"
"-is Lottie's spit. So that spit-"
I pointed at George's finger.
"-is our spit."
Lottie and I finished.
I am so so so so so so sooooooo sorry for not updating but I have been incredibly busy so here's an extra long chapter.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2015 ⏰

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