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Soo I am going to have them make a few pranks get ,to know each other better end stuff like that.

Fred's POV

"So this our room." I grinned at Lottie. "We plan all our crimes here. " She smiled and sat on George's bed. The others decided to leave us to a reunion or something like that.
I looked at her trying to remember everything about her, I wanted to make up for the time we missed. I looked at her face it was exactly the same shape as George's s her eyes had the same laughing look and they were the same hazel colour, her face was covered with freckles,her hair was ginger and was a bit shorter than Ginny's, but still way past her shoulders. Apart from her body (which was obviously more feminine) she was nearly identical to us.
She looked behind herself self-consciously,as if to check if I was staring at something else then asked" What's wrong with you two? " I looked at George who was staring at her too. "
" Well don't you think it's wierd we never knew anything about having a triplet for 19 years? "
Not answering our question,she pointed to the sweets on our table. "What are those?"
"Those my dear sister are our best inventions."
I pointed to each box in turn " These are Fainting Fancies, " George added: " They make you faint." " These are Puking Pastels and this is the Nosebleed Nougat."
"So if I eat a piece of this I will get a nosebleed?"
"Pretty much"
"Awesome! "
I told her about the rest of the sweets and after I finished she said " Well there's one more thing I would add to these."
"Fever Fudge! "
"To make you run a high temperature? " asked George
" Awesome! " I grinned and we high-fived.
"So what's little ickle RonniePie scared of?" she asked.
"Spiders" we smirked.
" Eugh, I don't really like then either. "
She opened the window.
" Ok. So how did this work? She took a deep breath
Accio Jar!
A jar flew into her hand and the three of us started summoning spiders from the garden and putting them into the jar.
Then she asked 'Is there any spell that could make these spiders fly after Ron as though he was a magnet for the spiders?
I muttered the incantation.
She ran down the stairs and asked Ron,Hermione, Ginny if they want to play a three-on-three game of Quidditch. We followed her down the stairs as soon as Ron flew up into the air I realised tge spiders. Then we started playing.
After a minute George asked "What's that ?" And pointed to the spiders.
Ron screamed and flew into the house "MUMMEEEE! MUMMY, SPIDERS!THEY'RE FOLLOWING MEEEEE!"
Lottie fell off her broom laughing, George and I roared with laughter, Ginny was snickering and even Hermione was suppressing giggles.
"FRED AND GEORGE WEASLEY!!!!!" Mom paused for a second with a confused look as if she was forgetting something.  Then she caught sight of Lottie trying to sneak away " GET BACK HERE THIS INSTANT CHARLOTTE!!!
She sighed and walked over torwards mum.
"HOW DARE YO-" she was cut short as Lottie grabbed our hands and apparated into our room. She sighed and flopped herself onto my bed, suddenly she started giggling hysterically.
The door was flung open and mum strode into our room" How many times do I have to tell you stop scaring your brother!!"
I heard Lottie mutter something that sounded like " that was my first one"
Mom sighed "Everybody is coming soon and you better not try something like this."
"What do you mean by everybody?" Lottie had a confused look.
" The Order of Phoenix. "
" Oh! The people who are fighting against the Death Eater guys"
" Does she realise how serious this is? " Hermione looked angry.
" No. She doesn't. I hope Mad-Eye can explain better than me" said mom."And you better stay out of trouble. If one more thing happens I will actually murder you!"she added.
" Wait, did you just say  one more prank? "
" Yes. What are you up to?!" "Wel-"


Lottie began running down the stairs with us following her.
Scres could be heard from our room.
Three people had apparated into our garden : Mad-eye, Remus and Tonks ( her hair was a vibrant violet ).
" What happened? " grunted Mad-eye
"Apparently someone doesn't like firecrackers. " Lottie noticed.
" Wow!Your girlfriend fits right into the family " Tonks told George (his hand was on Lottie's shoulder).
" Girlfriend? " We asked looking at one another.
" Oh you mean me?!"
"You're not his girlfriend?"
We laughed.
Ginny grinned
" May I present:the Weasley triplets! "

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