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The meeting had ended and everybody was going in different directions when a girl came running out of the back door. Her read hair was streaming behind her as it glistened in the sun.
" Hey wait up I want to ask you something! "
A man with a luminous blue eye turned around " Yeh what? "
" Well I haven't been to Hogwarts so I've been wondering if,well if you coul-"
" Teach you? "
The man thought for a while then said " I'll be here at three o'clock be ready."
And with that he disapparated.
It was seven o'clock in the morning.
Sunlight crept into the Weasley twins bedroom. It played on the table with sweets on it and then slowly crept torwards George Weasley stopping on his hand which was dangling off the bed.
It then went torwards Fred's Weasley's bed then it stopped as though surprised at what the beam of light had landed on. A foal. A beautiful chesnut coloured foal was lying on the end of Fred's bed.
The foal's ears twitched. The beam of light traveled to the boy's face. He stirred and then sat up. His eyes focused and he saw the foal.
" Georgie! George help! " he whispered urgently.
The foal and George lifted their heads at the same time.
George gasped.
"Get it off me! What's it doing here?!"
The foal jumped off the bed and glared (if foals could glare) at Fred as if to say 'how rude'.
It went torwards the door that lead into Charlotte's Weasley's room.
" What does it want?" Asked George
The foal rolled it's eyes.
"Wait did I just see a foal roll it's eyes? "
Fred opened the door and followed the foal in.
The bed there was empty but there was a note pinned to the pillow. George grabbed it and read.

I am an Animagus.

The boys turned around and stared at the foal. Then to their surprise she turned into a monkey and grabbed the note and showed the other side to the boys.

I think I know why Dumbledore said I was dangerous. I can change my Animagus appearance. As in different animals.


George's POV

I stared at the monkey, the monkey turned into a parrot and flew out of the window.
Fred and I got dressed and ran outside.
There we saw a little black cat chasing the garden gnomes. As soon as she saw us she turned into a Irish red setter and came running up to us wagging her tail. She turned into a human and stared at us.
"Well? "
" What ?"
"Well what do you think? "
"I don't know. Pretty cool" said Fred
"Is this the surprise you were planning? "I asked
" Yeah! It took me so much effort not to change into anything. "
" Effort?"
" I turn into different animals depending on my mood. "
"So if you're happy what are you like?"
She changed into the Irish Setter.
" What if you're sad?
She closed her eyes as if concentrating
She turned into a spider.
She turned back and said " Yuck. Thats my least favourite form."
"What if you're angry?
She closed her eyes again and had a pained expression on her face. She turned into a snarling angry-looking wildcat.
Then she turned back into her Setter form and ran around the back garden.
I turned to Fred " What do you think? "
"I dunno. Cool I suppose. But how is it dangerous? I think dumbledore ment something else."
" Eh. Well same for me."
Lottie had turned into a cat and was chasing birds.
She headed further into the forest
"We better make sure she doesn't go outside the protection. "
Fred nodded
We walked into the forest.
" Where is she?"
Suddenly we heard a shriek and a monkey jumped of a tree onto my shoulder. I jumped. The monkey jumped of and turned into a hyena and laughed.
She trotted into the forest.
" Wait! The protection ends there!"
She just laughed and calmly stepped out.
She turned around. "Hey I can't see you guys! Oh its because you don't want Voldemorts fellows to see you !"
I remembered what she had said before.
"Sorry but I still find it hard to believe. It sounds like an unfinished fairy tale. "
" Does she realise how serious this is? " " No. She doesn't. "
Suddenly three Snatchers appeared. Luckily Lottie was looking for acorns as a squirrel.
She looked up. She scampered torwards the tree and ran up it. She looked down. She edged torwards the Snatchers. Then she dropped the nuts.
"Ow. Ouch!"
The Snatchers jumped in surprise as the acorns hit them on the head. They looked up. But Lottie had already turned into a butterfly and fluttered torwards us. She sat on Fred's shoulder. We walked torwards our house. She turned into a setter and ran inside.
I turned to Fred " If she's dangerous she's only dangerous to herself. "
Fred nodded in agreement.

Oh but how wrong we were.

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