From One Lips to Another

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Robertus stands back up adjusting his robe, allowing it to fall back into its natural position, Yas smiles as she wipes away spit from her face. Her light athletic shirt, wet with sweat and drool, clings to her body. Her damp hair is disheveled, she pushes it back, as she, lays back on the marble flooring of his bed room attempting to cool off over staying on the comfort soft carpet the bed sits on. Her heavy breathing fills the room.

Robertus lays down on the floor next to her, putting an arm around her, bringing her in. She places her head on his chest, her breathing slows as her heart rate starts to slow back down to match Robertus' heartbeat.

"I should get back to carry out laundry duty." Yasmine sighs as she sits up.

"You can stay for a moment." Robert stretches his arms as he lays on the ground.

Yasmine bring in her legs hugging them, she lets out a soft laugh, "I have already spent so much longer than a moment with you."

Robertus leans up on his elbow, "It is not my fault I can last for a while."

Yasmine smiles and looks at Robertus tilting her head down at him, "You are a cute one."

Robertus isn't too sure how to take that he feels a bit like she is babying him, she is only a few years older than him. He looks up at her green eyes, they are like looking into a forest and make her face doe like and innocent. He closes his eyes and leans in kissing her deeply. He can taste himself on her lips, he can still taste the sweetness of her lips beyond the new flavor he has given her.

He pulls away with a smirk, "You are rich with my flavor."

Yasmine playfully punches him. "Don't tell me you ruined the flavor of my gloss." She laughs springing up to her feet. "I guess I will have to go get a snack from the kitchen to clean out my mouth."

"Don't kiss too many other people before you do that. I don't need the palace to know all my doings." Robertus giggles to himself as he rolls on to his back. He always forgets the playful fire that dances in Yasmine.

"I think I will just kiss Aaron," she looks down at him with a sinister smirk, "Is he familiar with your taste?"

Robertus rolls his eyes as he moves to be sitting cross legged. He watches her as she leaves out of his suite.

He leans back against his bed, he feels clear and weightless; ready for his meeting with the Nest. Janus is going to be the only real person he is going to need to be talking to, Conar is loyal to Pimogie interests. He knows that she has a strong dislike for the Pimogies and that it may be difficult to change her perspective. She has always seen the Pimogies to be some evil government falling in line with a fascistic governments of the horrid wars that scarred Earth Prime. Robertus' brows lower as he grows annoyed at her ideals.

The pests of the Lost Patriots fall into her line of thought. The Empire has never forced people to become Pimogie. Their are some more unkind aspects to a Pimogie conquest, but there are never blades put to anyone's throat with a convert or die sentiment. They don't force them into slavery. They set up collaborative communities. They set up schools to take in the children, they give the community the taste of what it is to be a Pimogie. The children are taught the Pimogie language, culture and history. They are taken into live in Mir Centers and have supervised family visits. It can cause conflict with the locals and the Pimogies, but its for the good of the people. The children that get the Mir Center experience a far better off than those who don't, and are even able to become full Pimogie Citizens. There is no mass slaughter like that the Federation carry out. Robertus' face scrunches, there have been some rather reprehensible things that the Militum has done, he has heard of horrors that Cicero has done. It is hard to stay morally just in an immoral world.

Keeping the Nest is content is important, have a controlled and open underbelly is the best way to ensure the dirtiness stays on the surface. The Cherwinski Corp might disagree with this Pimogie practice, but it has for the most part allowed interests to not conflict to the point of violence. Robertus will have to try and force Janus to be more firm with the criminal elements of the Nest and hammer them back into place. The continued escalation of crime, will lead to the elimation of the Nest completely.

He knows that he can't use such brutal language with Janus as she will just feel like her prejudice is just being affirmed. He will have to soothe her with talking points of compassion, it needs to be a continued driver in the governing of Valhalla to keep the peace. Any shifting in the scales will lead to the rule of violence to dictate life on the planet. Its bad business for all parties.

A firm knock on the door signals to Robertus it is time. He exits his suite to see Aaron already waiting with his imperial guards, they are in their full formal armor. The ornate headdress of a Legatus Sepio graces Aaron's head the Imperial colors of black and imperial purple. The five guards all have imperial purple capes with the golden Pimogie P on it.

Aaron kneels down at the sight of Robertus, "My Caesar, we are ready to take you to the games."

Robertus simply nods. "Aaron I think we should take our train car into the Pimogie District."

Aaron turns around to Ari, the smallest of the guards, signing to him to prepare the train car. He then turns to Adara silently moving his hands to tell her to go and ensure that a train will come up the ambassador district so they can connect the car to it. They both salute Aaron and walk off.

"Caesar is there anything else you need us to do before we head off." Aaron says.

Robertus thinks for a moment, Aaron is getting their transportation in order, he doesn't see anything else he would need them to do, but he would like to go and talk to Juniper to get a reading on how she is doing. He hopes Korë is with her, but he can't be sure. He doesn't have enough time to be searching around for the palace for her.

He could force the time, but it would be an egregious use of his power. Juniper is still the voice of his concubines and the boss of them; even if Korë is now the same rank on paper as her, seniority unfortunately works against her. Robertus sighs, "Actually Aaron, I would just like to say goodbye to the Juniper."

Aaron is surprised, "Are you sure? Everything should be all ready for use by the time we get to the traincar."

Robertus nods, "I am fine with being a bit late, they do have entertainment to keep them occupied."

"Of course Caesar, Claudius and Titus are also there already, I have no doubt Claudius can keep things going smoothly in your absence, but it is still not a wise move to be anything but on time for a meeting you organized." Aaron appeals.

"It will be fine Aaron," Robertus pushes through the Imperial guardsman, as he determinedly makes his way down the hall. Robertus seems guided by compass that only points to Juniper, the thought of the games seemingly worlds away from him.

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