Love and Leadership

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Robertus enters back into the palace. His posture relaxes, as he dismisses his imperial guards with a gentle wave, signaling their leave for the night. He still doesn't feel at peace, there is still a melancholic feeling lingering with him; it was his own shadow. He keeps trying to push down the stress of ruling over Valhalla and his need for success so he can prove himself. Even with the support he has around him he still feels uneasy. This new development with the federation could prove interesting or disastrous. He met their current king when he was in his traveling era. They were friendly with each other as they worked together while playing poker. The federation throughout the existence of the modern Pimogie Empire has been their longest rival, war has been an ever-looming threat. The last war between the Pimogies and the federation wasn't even a century ago, it was when both of their emperors were around Robertus' age. Robertus' great-grandfather died in that war, being slaughtered with everyone else on Roma. He shakes off the stories of the horrors that were carried out by the Black Korps. He takes a deep breath as he starts making his way through the halls of the palace. At least now he can stop worrying till tomorrow, Juniper should help him to be able to relax. He wonders if  Korë is doing fine, he hasn't seen her since he had her shuffle out the Cherwinskis. She won't be too happy if he spends the night only with Juniper; it might be wise to check on her.

He looks around for someone to tell him where Juniper or Korë is, he continues along the hallway when he stumbles onto Meara and Tassa scrubbing the palace floors by hand with rags. He is surprised they are cleaning the floor, and even more so in such a laborious way, shouldn't this have been left to the Ratmon.

Robertus smiles warmly as he comes up to them kneeling gently, before giving them both  a kiss on their forehead as he greets them. "Is this Korë's doing? Or are you two just trying to get the floor to shine more radiantly than your own smiles." the two servants giggle at Robertus' playful jest.

Meara sighs, "Well, we were talking about the Cult of Helios and well Tassa said, OW!"

Meara stops talking as she rubs her arm glaring at Tassa who, rather roughly but still playfully hit her.

"Don't lay it all at my feet," Tassa retorts. Robertus smiles, they are almost like sisters sometimes, always causing and getting into some sort of trouble.

Meara gives her another glare, before turning again to Robertus. "As I was saying, it turned to the subject of the Cult of Korë, and well... Let's just say Korë wasn't very happy, and well here we are." Meara says gently throwing a rag to the floor, letting it hit with a mild flop.

Worshipers of Helios are rare if they even still exist, they were destroyed a long time ago by his ancestor Deus Aelia. The Cult of Korë is still alive.

"What did you guys say?" Robertus probes.

"They compared it to the crazed nature of the Helios worshippers," Korë's voice sharply interjects.

Robertus looks up to see her glaring down at them with her turquoise eyes, she is draped in a fine silk robe. It's dyed in the softest shade of blue, reminiscent of a twilight sky, as it is filled with the last light blues of the evening sky's embrace. As she kicks her bare feet off the wall stepping into the center of the hallway, the loose-flowing fabric billows gently around her, as if there was a breeze in the still hallway. It still hugs her form showing off her beauty, she stands as if she were the goddess of her namesake, as the translucent almost transparent silk fabric almost seems to glow in the light of the palace. Robertus feels his heart falter, a ping of love beats through him, as he looks up at her glowing divine figure looking over him.

"Korë... I," Robertus feels his words catching on each other as he attempts to collect himself.

Korë's eyes turn soft as she looks at Robertus a smile dances across her lips, "You're looking at me the same you did when we first met."

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