Echoes of Allegiance

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Robertus' expression and demeanor change, "Ah, my beautiful cousin, Claudius, were you coming to the garden to relax with me."

Robertus goes to embrace Claudius, but he puts his hands up blocking it, "Unfortunately that is not why I came looking for you," Claudius looks beyond Robertus and his guards spying Romeo, "but I think I can wait to entertain with my dealings until after your business with the Cherwinskis is done."

Robertus is displeased, as he can tell his cousin is hiding his feelings, his face scrunches but he quickly wipes his face to be neutral again as he attempts to take after Claudius. "Very well Claudius, but I would still like you there for my meeting with Romeo."

Claudius nods and falls in behind Aaron, moving to be beside Robertus. Robertus feels a slight hit of jealousy as the group make their way up the stairs. He wishes he could keep his thought and feelings more hidden like Claudius, perhaps he should have him train him on it. Robertus wishes he could learn from his mother, as the head of the Umbra she must be a master of the emotions she projects. The thought of her working to manipulate him causes his brows to lower. Claudius seeming to be reading his mind as grasps his arm for a moment. Robertus brushes away his thoughts, he needs to think about the business at hand. If this meeting is on Blanco Diablo and the trouble they are causing he needs to be thinking of solutions now. He needs to be playing out the scenarios in his head playing the game. He needs to win this meeting and maintain his standing. He knows the Cherwinskis are looking for any excuse to bring him down for his age. They are his elder by decades, and he needs to keep proving himself so he can show everyone, especially his grandfather, that he is worthy of his title of Caesar. Even though it's been a decade since he was made one, he still doesn't feel like he is a fit for the position. Claudius has always told him that those who are best for power don't crave it, he has always found that to be a vexing remark. Claudius doesn't have to worry about being picked to be the heir to the entire empire and being trusted with leading the Pimogie people. His grandfather seems to see a great Deus in him, but he also saw that in his uncle Cicero.

They continue down the hall to the throne room, Aaron stopping, allowing Robertus to take the lead, he goes and nods to the royal guards in front of the large double doors. They nod back and open the door. Aaron stands near on of the royal guards, The difference between the imperial guardsman and the royal guard are striking even with them both being in their lighter more causal everyday armor. The five imperial make the royal guards look like frail teens in comparison, but one would be foolish to challenge either of them. Before going to open the door, Robertus is stopped by one of the guards.

"Caesar, the Cherwinski Doctor is already waiting" Robertus is surprised by this, turning to Romeo, "Did she have you come to fetch me?"

Romeo stares at Robertus blankly, his brows narrowed.

"I think we should just head in and see her, she has probably been waiting for quite a while," Claudius says, Robertus nods again, the guard back pulling the door with him.

Robertus, Claudius, and Romeo enter the throne room. Dr. Malkovich, and the Pimogie leadership of the planet; Julia, Jaki, Apollo, and Tyrell get up from the bench at the back of the throne room, Tyrell hugging Robertus and then Claudius; with Julia, Jaki and Apollo repeating quickly after each other.

"I am glad to see Dr. Malkovich was kept in such good company. I hope Tyrell didn't tell her all of your entertaining war stories, Or that Julia didn't share too much about our time in the Mir Center together." Robertus chuckles, Dr. Malkovich is annoyed, while Tyrell and Julia bit embarrassed. Apollo and Claudius both laugh.

"Caesar, can we please get down to business," complains Dr. Malkovich. Robertus nods, looking slightly dejected, as he goes and sits on his throne. Tyrell, Jaki, Apollo, and Julia sit around him in their positions on the lower level. Robertus then beckons Claudius to come to sit beside him, he climbs up sitting on the chair on his right.

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