Ripples in the Pond of Brotherhood

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The two cousins come to the cool water of the garden's pond. It's a magnet to all visitors of the garden, with the stream flowing through the garden, watering the rich life that grows within it before it deposits itself in the natural pool, via a waterfall. It's not a large drop down to the pond from the waterfall, but it does make for a nice slide if one sides the stream down it. Robertus smiles as he remembers how much fun it was to watch everyone laughing and having fun as they all try to stay cool in the heat of a Valhallan summer just a short time before. It was already cooling off quicker than it had the years before. Could be in for a very snowy winter Robertus assumes. Claudius points over to one of the hand carved log benches. It's one of the ideas with the garden Robertus was most proud of. He added in many different benches at key spots in the garden where he thought it would be a nice spot to just take it all in. He had large logs cut and polished, and crafted with long sitting in mind.

Robertus shakes his head and goes down to the beach on the pond and sits in the soft dark sand. Claudius sits down next to him, they both sit for a moment just listening to the waterfall.

Claudius breaks the silence, "Robertus I don't know how wise it is to decrease our defenses, and placing this much trust in our cousin Romulus, I just don't feel it is right. I..."

"Stop," snaps Robertus. "I don't want to hear about or discuss politics right now please Claudius."

Claudius looks at Robertus, he opens his mouth to protest but he sees the pain in his eyes, and he remains quiet. Claudius isn't sure what is going on in Robertus' mind; he was fine if not cocky in the meeting. Is he upset at Tyrell for doubting him? Claudius had done just the same, has that just rubbed salt in his wounds? Claudius considers it could just be that he just wants to forget about his responsibilities for a bit. Robertus continues, "I want to know what you wanted to tell me before that meeting in the stairwell."

"Oh," Claudius is taken aback, he wonders, why would he care about that now? "It was just the strangest thing. We got a message from the Federation."

"The Federation?" Robertus is surprised by this too, "what for?"

"Some kind of party being held for I think the youngest of House Rosen's birthday, or something along those lines."

"Oh what's his name, George or something?" Robertus amuses himself, "or was it maybe Wolfgang or Manfred."

Claudius laughing joins in, "probably something silly like Gunther or Adelhied." The two laugh, but they quickly stop when they hear footsteps. Robertus thinks it's likely Aaron is coming to tell him something or maybe even Korë or Juniper. Instead Romulus and Titus walk down the path down towards them.

"I thought you two might be here, I was going to make a bet with Titus, but his no fun," greets Romulus.

Titus nods smiling, he signs that they had been looking for them for a while, he then croaks out "Juniper," he rubs his throat in pain, then signs to Robertus that Juniper is looking for him. Robertus looks upset but there is a hint of happiness to him as he stands up brushing off his legs and goes to leave, "I should go see what she needs."

"So quickly?" Romulus is annoyed, "Come on Robi I haven't seen you all day."

"I should have seen you in the meeting with the Cherwinskis today." Robertus says coldly.

"Don't be like that. I had other things to attend to." Romulus says embarrassed, "There were some issues with my gladiators and I had to also help out Conar with something."

"I hope it was something with the Diablo." Robertus says pointedly, "they are turning into quite the thorn."

"Come on Robertus there is no need for us to peck at each other." Claudius says trying to calm the scene.

Titus signs that he heard about Tyrell getting upset at him and questions Robertus if this is upsetting him.

"I really don't want to dive into all this now. I am mostly unhappy at having to have a meeting about us failing at something we should be having no issue with. Valhalla is a peaceful world that has yet to cause any trouble. But here we are today with a meeting on the Cherwinski workers feeling unsafe." Robertus shakes his head, "this is not how any of this should be Romulus I have trusted you with taming the underbelly and guiding it to be a controlled negative. Do I need to have Kata breathing down your neck?"

"I told you Robertus, I have changed a lot from my days with the Josels, and they have changed too I will have you know. I am locked in on helping us and helping you." There is an unseriousness in Romulus' voice as if he is playing in a game.

"Your actions do not speak the same words as your lips." Robertus turns away to leave, "We will talk more on this later."

Robertus walks away still frustrated. His emotions of the day coming over him, he feels mad to be having it all come at him and just not wanting to settle. He wishes he could relax and forget what is going on for a bit. Tyrell being mad at him doesn't make his life easy, he will listen yes. But his faith has faltered. He knows he is there mostly for his own safety and his people's like Aaron but, Robertus just can't understand how he doesn't see that there is no need for the suits; they have more than enough royal and imperial guards to handle a situation if it goes south. It's so unlikely though, even if he does go to that party Claudius brought up. His brows bend as he thinks more deeply. That would be a possible avenue for things to go wrong. He would leave Claudius or Juniper in charge but Blanco Diablo or someone else in the Nest could smell weakness with him being gone. This would not normally be an issue as the Nest usually stays in line. He will need to sort this out. Things must be set in order if he is going to be leaving. It would be a good move for him, trying to heal the hate between the Pimogies and the Federation is an admirable task. Robertus smiles, as the thought of his success being awarded by his grandfather if he were to be able to create a stronger relationship with the Federation. Robertus stops as he hears someone approaching behind him.

Claudius calls out, "Robertus wait," as moves briskly into the clearing catching up to him, "I just want to know what you thought about the party."

Robertus pauses and turns to look at Claudius. "What about it?"

"I was just curious as to if you had any thoughts on it, and if we should make plans for you to attend it."

Robertus sighs, turning back forward, "I haven't put too much thought into it, we can discuss it later in the morning."

Claudius whips Robertus around so they are back to looking at each other face to face. "Come on you're off balance, what's going on Robi."

Robertus places a hand on Claudius' shoulder. "I know you are concerned, I think I am just a bit drained today. Lets do a meeting tomorrow, I just don't want to deal with politics right now." Robertus smiles, "I am going to be alright." Robertus hugs Claudius bringing him in close, " You know I love you."

"Claudius what you doing, I thought you were just going to go stretch your legs." Romulus comes in breaking up the moment.

"I was just heading back," Claudius separates from Robertus.

Romulus puts his hand around Romulus as they head back to the pond, "What is this that Titus tell me about a party."

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