Why Am I Not Strong Enough

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            Inspired by boygenius's song "Not Strong Enough"

The morning was dimly lit in King's Landing.The morning was somber for Alicent as she had just found out from one of the handmaidens helping her dress to break fast that her father had been exiled back to Old Town and had his position as Hand of The King striped from him. It felt unreal to her as the whole reason she had even began to live in King's Landing, in The Red Keep because of his position in the first place.

She had let the handmaidens finish dressing her then ran out to the gate to where her father had been getting ready to leave.

Alicent gripped up her dress as she made her to him, not carrying that the servant was rushing to keep her covered from the rain. Her father did notice her presence so she let out a "Father" as loud as she thought was appropriate. He simply turned around and said to her "The King has decided he no longer has use for me has his Hand." The former Hand then returned his body back to the servant and horse, preparing to depart.

The young Queen's face had scrunched into frustration. "If it wasn't for you trying to advance Aegon as Heir, this would not have happened." She did not know what possessed her to say that but she did.

He swiftly turned himself back around to her and approached. She feared what he would say back to her. "You are playing a fool, Alicent!"

She did not understand what her father meant.

His eyes were peering into hers. "You chose to believe Rhaenyra and now look where that has got us. She will have no choice but to kill your precious children to prove her claim but you choose not to see it." Alicent began to cry.She felt like she was six name days old again.The words didn't make sense to her but it felt like she should listen to him. He was her father, her protector,right? He would only want the best for her and her children. Otto pulled his daughter into a hug trying to comfort her and reassure her on this dangerous situation, the one he put her in.

He lets go of her to get on the horse that will take him away from his daughter and back to his birth place of Oldtown. Alicent almost wants run after him,beg him to let her go with. Her fingers nails instinctively moved to her mouth and she ripped at them, turning them bloody as she watched her father leave her at The Red Keep.
Rhaenyra and Her father, the King were on their way to Driftmark so that she could meet, like she hadn't already, her cousin Laenor Velaryon son of The Sea Snake and The Queen Who Never Was.

Rhaenyra stared off into nothing as she wondered, what else could have been better than dealing with having to be forced into marriage. It isn't like she hated marrying Laenor since he was such a kind person but it doesn't mean he is fit to be married to a woman. It is a well known thing as least to her that her cousin prefers his tastes else where, as she would say.

She did not realized they had arrived until she heard me of the men shout that they had. Rhaenyra had gotten out first so that she would not have to wait to get out behind her father as he would need some slight help.

After they were all ready, they headed to where Driftmark's doors were.

The group stops in the yard of Driftmark where they all see Laenor and his friend Joffrey Lonmouth sparring before they stop seeing The King. Laena Verlaryon and an advisor are walking towards them to give them a welcome.

Lord Strong, the new Hand of The King then stated "that this was not a welcome befitting their King." Laena simply apologized in an uncaring way. Rhaenyra was standing there taking it all in and particularly observing her betrothed.

When they had finally went inside Rhaenyra immediately took her cousin Laena in arms and walked through the halls of Driftmark.

Laena and Rhaenyra had always been quite friendly with each other even if they did not have the ability to see each other often.

"I see you are very confident now Laena"

"Well it might be the fact that I have now claimed the mightiest dragon of them all ,Vhagar" Laena had sounded so proud of herself . Rhaenyra and Laenor had both had their cradle eggs hatch so when Laena's egg did not hatch, she was saddened. However she did not let that stop her from wanting to have a dragon, for she wished to have the largest alive.

"Ah yes, Vhagar. The dragon you have been dreaming of since you were little." Rhaenyra teasing her.

"I am not that younger than you cousin."

The cousins had arrived to a guest chambers they had prepared for Rhaenyra. The Princess took off her coat to reveal her gorgeous dress.

"Is your brother still out in the yard because I need to have a chat with him, a very important one before we are to be married." Rhaenyra had as she smoothed out her dress.

"He is since all he does is spar with Joffrey and fly on Seasmoke." Laena was sat on a chair leaning her head back.

Rhaenyra turned herself around. "In that case, I shall be off to speak with Laenor." She smiled and playfully waved at Laena before leaving to the yard.

The Driftmark halls were beautiful to her as she was on her way to see Laenor. Everything was sleek but amazing to look at. There was many of House Velaryon's prized possessions, all gotten from their great voyages. The tapestries all had a sea theme to them beside the family portraits. Rhaenyra was admiring it all.

The Princess had made it to the yard. She sees Laenor and Joffery still sparring then it sorts of becomes a game of sorts. It is charming to look at and she hated to break it up but she had to. So she let out a fake cough to get their attention.

The both of them cease their play and awkwardly turn to Rhaenyra. She explains why she is in front of them and that it is very important. It seems Joffery had gotten the queue to leave for a short time so he says his formal pleasantries to her and Laenor before heading off somewhere. Laenor turns to Rhaenyra and shyly smiles at the situation.

Laenor says he has a place that they could speak and she follows.

Sorry for a later update everyone but school has been hectic and sorry that this is a shorter chapter as it may seems like filler to you.

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