Various Storms of Time

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Title inspired by the song "various storms & saints" by Florence + The Machine.

Daella was walking down the hallway on the way to her mother, Aemma's chambers to give her some type of ease during her 5th pregnancy in 3 years. Her father's ambition for a son always frustrated her as he had two perfectly worthy daughters of the throne and the fact that it was draining her mother each and every time. So she hoped he would get a son to leave her mother alone.

As she walked to her destination she thought about what to do to she cheer up her mother.

As she thought about and she finally had the perfect thing for her mother to do just that.

Aemma saw her Daella walking in looking mischievous like her older sister Rhaenyra, that made her think about who the child in her womb would take after. Daella then sits next to her exhausted mother who has been sitting in her chair for hours on end as people attend to her just to help the babe get along fine. Then Daella pulls out a mask that her mother found funny and started speaking in a goofy manner.
That is when she saw her beautiful mother show her warming smile which is all she wanted to do.
Soon Rhaenyra and Alicent walked in to the chambers, it was also made obvious to Daella and Aemma that Rhaenyra had just been riding on Syrax. The smell coming off her was quite apparent. It of course made Daella want to ride on her beautiful Morgra. Daella moved from her position on the bench so that Rhaenyra could talk to their mother Aemma and she walked up to Alicent who was standing a certain distance from the the place the her mother was sitting that Daella guessed was to give some them and their mother some space to talk which was something that Daella,Rhaenyra, and Aemma did not think she had to do.

Alicent wrapped her arm around Daella's as they walked to one of their favorite spots in the entire kingdom, the godswood.

After a little time, Rhaenyra had walked into the godswood "Well hello there, I'm guessing your having fun without me."
"Oh ,Nyra you know that we can't any fun without you, can we Ali?"

"Don't be rude Ella even though I think Nyra wants to be the fun hogger as well."
"Hey!" Rhaenyra said as she ran up to Daella and Alicent with a fake vengeance on her face as the girls laughed at the sight.

This ended up with Alicent reading one of their books for their studies as Daella and Rhaenyra laid over Alicent's legs looking up to her with pure adoration. This time that they had made them forget about the pressure of the court and their positions in their awful society.

The comforting moment was soon ended after they heard a maidservant calling for them saying that Queen Aemma had told them to get ready for the tourney. Daella never quite cared for them, as sometimes when someone would lose, the fight would get far too ruthless. It was just usually not her taste of fun.

All the girls were getting dressed in the Alicent's chamber without the maidservants as they liked to often get dressed by themselves with the help of each other. They began to do as such when they were just small girls handing each other hair pieces that they thought were best for other.

Rhaenyra's dress was the prefect dress for showing her Targaryen lineage, it was red with an extravagant neck piece which she paired with gold pieces and the necklace Daemon had given her.
Alicent's dress was paler blue which is her favorite color paired with small pieces and Daella's dress was gold and paired with her silver pieces.
The girls all sat together as the King and the Hand of the king sat above them with Rhaenyra and Daella's cousin Rhaenys, her husband Corlys, and their children Laena and Laenor below them.

This extravagant tourney was to celebrate the Heir that Viserys was praying for while he was also pushing his daughters to the side. As well as the fact that he held such a likely violent event of the day of their mother's birth of their sibling.

As the tourney went on it seemed that their uncle Daemon had come out on top even besting Alicent's brother Ser Gwayne Hightower of Oldtown. That was until a mysterious anonymous challenger arrived to battle Daemon which made the battle more interesting to see.
All Rhaenyra and Daella could really worry about was the labors that their mother was going through at this time to give their father his male heir.

"Do you think she's okay Nyra"
"I really hope so Ella"

Rhaenyra noticed Alicent looking for her father,the hand of the king and that is when she saw her own father was missing from his seat.

Rhaenys gave Rhaenyra just the look she needed to know that something was wrong with the birth of her sibling. This is when Daella started to panic and she got up and ran to her own chambers to worry and cry so that could she fully let it out. The fear of losing her mother was becoming more real than ever.

"Ella?" Said Alicent as she and Rhaenyra walked into her chambers with somber like expressions on their faces which made Daella cry even more. Immediately after they saw her in that state, both Rhaenyra and Alicent went up to her and just layed with Daella on her bed as they wait for news on Aemma and her labors. The waiting of it all terrified the girls to a point where they fell asleep to the sound of their own hushed tears and fear.

"My ladies, The king requests you all to the throne room for an announcement of Queen Aemma's labors" was all they heard from a maidservant as they woke up.

"I guess we have to go and hear this announcement" said Rhaenyra who was more worried than she has ever been in her life. She then started to fix herself and not look like she was in immense distress. Alicent and Daella followed suit and the girls held each other's hands in a circle while putting their heads together silently praying for the best of news.

Hello everyone I hope you enjoy a story I have been wanting to write for a long time.

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