If Walls Could Talk

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Titles inspired by "Walks Could Talk". By Halsey

  Alicent's POV
It had only been three days before father asked me to sent for me to see the king. I knew what he was asking of me and I knew to obey that ask. As I dressed in one of my late mother's gowns, the feeling inside my chest kept coming. Bringing a book was my idea as to distract the king from his sorrows.When I stood in front of his chamber door, my fingers flew to my mouth however I stopped it as soon as the guard opened to door.

"What is it Alicent  " said King viserys as he toyed with his model of Old Valyria
" I just came to look in on you your grace" I said with hesitation of fear of what was to come.

I talked to him about my mother and spoke of what I wish was spoken to me. Words seem to be the way that I could think of doing to stop my own anxieties from taking over. King Viserys seemed to be cheered up by my talking and that eased my brain.
I got dressed for the day with the thought of seeing Ella and Nyra today and check up on them. They comforted me when my own mother passed which I appreciated very much. I knew that this was going to be difficult for them especially with the way their mother was taken from them. As I walked to Nyra's chambers I hoped that they would even want to see me.
The guard in front of Nyra's door announced me and then opened it where Ella sat in a chair staring out the window looking like she was in some sort of daze. I saw Nyra laying on her bed with tears still falling on her face. Quietly walking over to Rhaenyra, I wipe her tears and move the hairs out of her beautiful face. I looked at her worrying that she wouldn't get up all day. After helping Nyra find some rest, I then wandered over to Ella and sat next to her.

"Ella how are you and Nyra holding up"
"We are doing the best we can" Daella says with a trying smile on her lips.
"I am very sorry for what happened to your mother Ella"
"You didn't do a thing, it all my father and his cruel ambitions" said Daella with clear outrage on her face. I grab her balled up hand and look into her eyes to get her to calm down. Daella looked at me with a worn out a smile to which I gave her a hug knowing she needed it. I heard Rhaenyra get up from her bed and walk over to where we were. The next second I felt her hug both of us, all of us had needed to be together after this terrible past few days.

"We will forever have each other" said Rhaenyra before she kisses both I and Daella's cheeks.
Daella's POV
I could tell that something was up with Ali, but I didn't want to budge because I know she would need time to tell me. Ali was walking with me to get lemon cakes and blueberry tarts, so that we could have snacks while we read and did embroidery. Embroidery was one of my favorite things to do as I picked it up from my mother. Truly now that was one of the only things I had left of her.

We had our sweets and walked into Nyra's room to surprisingly see Rhaenyra reading by herself as she had found it boring to read alone. She looked up to see us with the sweets and bolted up to get a lemon cake. Alicent was caught by off guard and almost fell. This made me erupt with laughter seeing her act like that over a pastry.

"Nyra, I know you love lemon cakes, but you nearly knocked down Ali" I spoke with a smile fully on my face.
"Sorry Ali, but these are just too good"said Rhaenyra with cream from the lemon cake on her top lip.

I walk over to her after setting down the blueberry tarts and rest my head on her shoulder. Alicent grabs a lemon cake and asks for the book Rhaenyra was reading so that she could read it to both me and Rhaenyra . Alicent started doing this when we said we liked how she read over the stories and made them truly interesting.

We sat in Rhaenyra's room just enjoying each other's company. I don't think I could ask for anything better after what we have gone through. A shimmering light that could not be dimmed.
As it had gotten late, we started to get ready to retire for the night. However randomly father called for Rhaenyra and this made me think about what exactly they were talking about. He hadn't talked or even looked at us since mother died and this angered something inside me, but I let it subside.

I called for Alicent as I just had to let her hear what was going on right now. I needed a second opinion on what exactly was happening. I paced around Rhaenyra's room as Alicent walked in looking confused and rightfully so.

"Is there something bothering you Ella" Alicent said obviously sensing that something was wrong.
"It's father and Nyra"
"What about them" spoken from a clearly curious Alicent.
"Father called for Nyra which is weird since he has completely ignored us since mother died" I said. This was driving me crazy just thinking about it.
Alicent wrapped her arm around me and rested her head on my shoulder. "It might be good news, you never know Ella"
"You might be right Ali" I was hoping to believe what Alicent just to soothe my heart.
I stayed up, waiting for Rhaenyra to come back to her chambers. It was excruciatingly long and my eyelids began to fall. That is when I heard the door open and I shot up.Rhaenyra looked like something happened and I didn't know whether it was good or bad.

"What did father say to you Nyra" My mind rushing in many directions.
With hesitation on her tongue she said "He named me to be the heir Ella"

"What" That is all I could say after hearing such unbelievable news. The man who killed our mother over his ambition to get his male heir has named his oldest daughter as the heir. I could tell she couldn't quite believe it herself. Rhaenyra then hugged me and wished me a good night. I walk out of her chambers and on the way to mine, I continue to think about Rhaenyra and what she told me. This is going to be hard for her especially as the men of the realm will try their hardest to prove she is not worthy to sit on the iron throne.

I will support my sister at every turn because I know she will make a just ruler.

Sorry for bringing this out late, I just started my freshman year of high school.

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