Our Bloodied Pedestal

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         Inspired by Paris Paloma's "Mulled Wine"
            Little bit of a trigger warning for Self-Harm

Rhaenyra never feared blood. She was a Targaryen princess who rode the beautiful dragon named Syrax so why would she ever fear blood. However,when she rode into the forest with Ser Criston Cole to just clear her head, she didn't expect to be met with blood.

The boar's dying wails drove her near mad as she plunged her dagger into its stomach. Rhaenyra then waited for the boar to die. When it finally stopped moving, she got up and walked to the  horse.  Ser Criston Cole wasn't far behind as she got up on the and rode to where she remembered the grounds being .

It had been quite a time before she had reached a place with a beautiful look of the woods. There was a tree slightly on the side where Rhaenyra then locked eyes with a white stag. It looked into her eyes in a very intense way that intrigued her. Ser Criston looked between the both of them and then got his bow ready to shoot it.

Rhaenyra immediately told him not to shoot it as she felt in a strange way attached to it. The white stag then dashed off into the woods. She stared at its leaving for a bit before leaving on her way to the grounds.
All eyes were plastered on her as she walked to her personal tent to clean up the boar's blood that ran down her neck. She then locked eyes with Daella who looked completely unbothered to Rhaenyra's wild appearance.

As soon as Rhaenyra got to her personal tent she immediately grabbed a rag to get the blood off her. She messily wiped the rag across her neck and face ,but the blood was also in her hair and she was struggling to get it out.

Daella walked in to Rhaenyra's hair all over her face as she aggressively moved a brush through her messy hair. The scene reminded her of when she would find Rhaenyra with a brush stuck in her hair and Daella would fix it for her.

Daella then takes the brush from Rhaenyra's hand as she guided her to sit down on the chair. Rhaenyra did not want to ask for help, but she was truly grateful for Daella in this moment.

The tent was quiet,but a comforting quiet as it felt like they were simply just girls again. Daella just felt like there was a sense of hope as she brushed through Rhaenyra's long pin straight hair.

Rhaenyra then grabbed Daella's free hand and squeezed it. She just wanted to say thank you for Daella helping her and this is all she could she really muster without letting her other feelings fly. A moment of hope for what can be.
Daella was standing near the court carriages as the hunting grounds were getting packed up. She then saw the ever so charming Arien Tyrell approaching her. Daella let a small smile be present on her lips as she waved at Arien.

"I just wanted to say goodbye to before I had to leave early to go back to the reach." Arien said with an obvious notion that he didn't want to go back just yet.

"Well I am glad as I would not know what to do if my new friend didn't let me wish him off." Daella playfully said,but it had absolute truth behind it. Arien smiled at what she said and just looked in to her eyes before giving her a gift from his pocket.

It was a small dagger with a silver handle and it was beautiful to Daella. As she was handed the dagger, she immediately said thank you to Arien. "It was no problem, I just wanted to give you something for being my friend since I have barely ever had one." His words made Daella appreciate him even more and she then pulled him into an overjoyed hug.

He could not believe what was happening right now, but he hugged her back nonetheless. Soon onlookers began to loudly gossip about the realm's flower Princess Daella and the second born son of the serious Lord Mordon Tyrell. They however didn't quite care what the loud mouthed nobles had to say as this was a harmless moment between friends.

"I am really going to miss you Arien."Daella's smile was apparent as she wished him well until the next time they would meet.
Rhaenyra walked into the Red Keep looking to immediately head for her chambers to take a long bath and rest after. However when she walked in Daella was sitting there with a baby Aegon on her hip. Rhaenyra quickly tried to turn around and walk out, but Daella had already got up to grab her arm.

"You will sit and you will listen to what I have to say." Daella said with such conviction that Rhaenyra had no other choice, but to listen.

The Princesses then sat together on the bench at the end of Rhaenyra's bed looking at each other. Daella then spoke "If you can not find it in your heart to give Alicent a piece of your sympathy, then at least give some of your affection to our little siblings.". Daella then placed a baby Aegon in Rhaenyra's arms.

"I don't even know what to do with him." Rhaenyra felt so confused holding Aegon as he was what her father wanted, but it costed her a mother and a beloved friend. All of a sudden, tears started to fall as she held this baby who had done nothing to her, but be born.

Daella knew what her sister was thinking as she wiped the tears off her face. "I know it is going to be tough at first, but we will get through it no matter how long it will take Nyra." Daella declared as she brushed the hair out of Aegon's face.
Alicent sat on one of her chairs in the middle of the room as just she stared at the wall thinking of the child that was in her swollen belly at the moment. Viserys had said he felt it was going to be a girl which Alicent was not completely keen on as she was worried about what her father would say. She herself felt that if she had a girl, she would just be shipped off in a marriage for power and alliance just like she was and there would be nothing to stop it.

Alicent's skin then began to crawl at the thought and she began to scratch and scratch at her skin till it began to bleed. It felt like she was in a trance and it continued for a good time before she heard someone come in. It was Daella who in an instant saw what had happened and separated Alicent's arms. She puts Alicent's head to her body and tries to calm her down as Alicent howls into her.

Daella knew that something was going on with Alicent, she saw it when Alicent was pregnant with Aegon and after she gave birth to him. It pained her heart to see Alicent littered with the notion of having to do something even if it broke her which Daella knew would have dire consequences.

"Remember that I will do what ever I can to help you." Daella tried her best to reassure Alicent who looked up at her with reddened eyes. They stayed there as the sun went down and the night began to fall on them for they could not be able to be apart from each other in that moment.

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