Every Little Piece Is Beautiful

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            Inspired by Taylor Swift's " Stay Beautiful"

Rhaenyra absolutely hated this tour. It tired her to no end. Having to be so on display at feasts for her tour along with letting the drunken men make disgusting comments made her want to end it right there.

Rhaenyra's favorite part was seeing the men fight for her because she knew she would not pick either. Her least favorite was talking to them especially the older men who just wanted a young Targaryen Princess on their arm. The way she delt with them was hilarious, she would ask them about a known woman from her great-grandfather's reign and watch them get confused as she talked to the next suitor.

When she was alone in her guest chambers ,Rhaenyra would just lay on the bed and daydream about being home in King's Landing and being with her family . She missed them like no other. The daydreams helped her get through the day without completely losing it.

While she was on the tour, the lords that ruled over each part of the seven kingdoms would adorn her with something specifically from their region and Rhaenyra quite liked that since she had enjoyed trying many foods and treats she had never had before. It was the small gift for her large pain which was this tour.

Rhaenyra would soon be home because she was going to make sure of it. She would go through the rest of these suitors and show absolutely no interest. Rhaenyra wanted to be able to choose her betrothed in her way but she knew that was not so attainable. So she decided to take her sister's joking suggestion and make it her mission, she was going to make her father see her by pissing him off. It wasn't the most civil plan ,but she couldn't be civil when her father acted like he couldn't stand to actually have a conversation with her.
Arien sat in the Queen's chambers with his betrothed, his siblings and the Queen herself and her children to break fast. He felt a bit of nerves as he wanted to have a good impression on the Queen. He looked to Daella who gave a wide smile before giving a piece of apple tart to Aegon.

"My Queen, I would like to thank you for letting us break fast in your chambers." Arien carefully articulated out. Daella and Lucille were visibly trying not to laugh at him. Alicent's had an understanding expression on her face. "Well, you are quite welcome Arien and you along with your siblings can call me Alicent in private since we will be family soon." Alicent said to him while she rocked Helaena to keep her calm.

Aegon had then gotten up from the table and ran over to Arien. "Can y-you play w-with m-me?" Aegon's words can out with blabber, but Arien could at least understand him.

Arien looked around before picking Aegon up. "Of course Aegon, let's go find your toys." Arien said as he grabbed a piece of a sweet biscuit. Lucille followed him as she wanted to also play with Aegon. Alicent was now growing more warm towards Arien, she saw the genuine kindness that he had and she couldn't help but think he was the best option for Daella to have as a husband.

Daella and Davian were getting along quite well while the others focused on Aegon and Helaena. They talked about how Daella felt about the betrothal and she answered truthfully, that she thought this was the best outcome for her choice of a husband. Davian was happy at her statement though his face didn't fully express it.

The Queen's chambers was filled with cheerful voices as they all were in the room enjoying a small joy of life. This was what Daella was working for, but she knew someone was missing from this happy scene and it was Rhaenyra and her entertaining comments. She prayed she would be back soon.
After a fortnight, the wedding of Princess Daella Targaryen and Arien Tyrell was here. Alicent and Daella made sure everything was the way Daella wanted it. Arien himself was happy with whatever Daella picked.

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