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Vikrant saw Karan leaving, then he followed him and stopped him
Karan what did you do?
Well I asked her to have sex with me
Then what happened?
Well she started yelling, and threw her purse on my face
Did you show her your true self?
"Yes I did" , he laughed
"Do you love her?" Vikrant silently asked
"No, I don't" Karan chuckled
Vikrant, felt so angry and said
"Karan I know you more than anyone in this world, and I know that you are the biggest playboy I have ever seen in my life, but why did you do this to aisha? Like if a girl never initiate anything with you, you never do anything with her, but with aisha why did you initiated things with her? And also you put up and whole act of a nice guy, like I've never seen you put this much effort in a girl, like yes she definitely is your wife
But still it's too much effort for you, so if you don't love her then what is it?
Karan laughed and said
"Aisha is just a very different girl, like she is very unique, one of a kind,
I am a type of guy who feels lust only after someone tries to do something with me, but in aisha's case it's different, the moment I saw her I felt an immense, overpowering, overwhelming, lust for her it was the first time I ever felt that much lust, like I wanted to scoop her in my in my arms and take her upstairs to my bed immediately, but i stopped myself, after talking to her I found out that she is different, she needs affection and so called love , and I knew that if I wanted to have sex with her I had to do these things"
Then Vikrant took a deep breath and said
"All you have for her is just lust? You don't have love for her? Like you just did everything to have sex with her?

Yes, Karan smiled
Then Vikrant said
"But she loves you"
Karan smiled a softly and said
"No she doesn't love me"
Vikrant knocked down a vase sitting on the table nearby and said
"Do you have any idea how much she cried after she exited the hotel?, like she cried for half an hour,"
"I see Karan said, but no matter what vikrant i know aisha very well, and I'm sure that she doesn't love me, actually she is just like a teenager,she doesn't know what love is....
Vikrant stood silent there, he knew that no one understands other people's nature more than Karan and maybe aisha don't love him.
Then Karan sighed and said
"Anyways then Vikrant I'll be off, but I'll be back again for aisha see you then.
And he left

Vikrant stood there confused, but then he remembered aisha and headed to her room.

And as he entered he saw her sitting on her bed looking at the ceiling blankly.
He went and sat beside her and put his hand on her shoulder then gently called her name
And suddenly she came back to her senses and looked straight in his eyes, the moment their eyes met her eyes filled with tears and in a matter of seconds they were rolling down her cheeks
Vikrant without a second pulled her into his arms, she immediately put her arms around him and started to cry loudly, vikrant pulled out her hair stick from her bun and set her hair free and gently moved his fingers in them...

There was nothing to say there she was crying and he was there to comfort her, she felt how warm his body was and he felt how cold her body was, she cried in his embrace until she fell asleep, he scooped her into his arms and put her to the bed, but she held his hand and mumbled in her sleep
"Please, don't leave me..."
He immediately went and climbed on the bed and layed beside her put his hand under her head pulled closer. And went to sleep
Aisha still in her sleep clenched his shirt tightly and like this they went to sleep.......

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