my marriage

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I am a married woman now.. actually I wasn't ready to be married yet but I married for my father...
It all started 2 months ago...
My father is one of the biggest buisness man in rampur city....
But from last few months he's been having losses in most unexpected ways
But one day he realised that his money was being stolen so the he tried to get to the bottom of it only to find that his brother was doing it...
But when he thought about confronting him he ran away to another country with no trace..
Everything came crashing down...
Dad owned a lot of money to many people...
And soon in no time we were bankrupt...
And still our debt wasn't paid...
The bank loan wasn't paid and if It wasn't paid in upcoming month they were going to sue us...
We were doomed even our house wasn't enough to pay the amount...
Me,my mother and my father we decided to suicide if we had to go to the jail....
But that didn't happen because one day my father came to me and held my feet and told me that:
If I married mr Siddharth Singh Roy he would pay all our debt and even send my mom and dad to another city with. A new house and send them monthly cash...
Honestly I wasn't ready for marriage yet but  this was better than seeing mine and my parents death so I agreed to marry that man...

At first I thought that it would be a 40 or 45 year old lusty man...
But then I saw Siddharth and i swear I got butterflies after I saw him he was so handsome and had an intimidating aura and i swear my soul left my body after I saw him smile...
He was 29 years old. 3 years older than me and it was fine because I was expecting a 45 year old man and i got a young, handsome,  charming, wealthy,and caring husband.. so i was over the moon

After he paid off our dept our marriage took place not so many people were invited just some of his close relatives and mine venue was small and everything was good i said good bye to my parents and then left for his big bunglaw at the end of the city...

And now i am feeling super nervous...

Because I knew he didn't had any parents..
And it's my first night with him so of course I was so nervous..
And honestly I feel  excitement in my stomach thinking about us...

After a 2 hour long ride we got out of his fancy car..
And his bunglaw was bigger than ours..
Well he was wealthy than my father so it was obvious...

But while I was entering the house before opening the doors he said
"See aisha I am sorry to not tell you this sooner but I think what you are about to see will give you a heartattack
So brace yourself "
I was confused at first but then he opened the door and what I saw was so messed up and didn't made any sense

The hallway was decorated with a mandap and 7 boys or men's were standing wearing shervani and and all of them looked like grooms...

But I was so confused and conflicted...
But then I glanced over to Siddharth who gave just closed his eyes...
And then the priest said "oh dear we've been waiting for you....
Now come stand in front of you husbands and I'll start the ceremony
And that gave me a heartattack for real...
I was shocked that I almost fell backwards but Siddharth held me just in time..
And then told me...
All of these are my brothers..
And your husbands
I looked at him with my eyes wide open..
He said i am sorry but I know this wasn't the aggreement but you have to accept this...
I said are you kidding me?
I am not gonna marry all 7 men it's insane...
It's dirty to even think about it it's gross
Then he gave me the most intimidating look and said no you have to...
I didn't cared for what look he gave me or how handsome he looked..
I glared back at him and said i won't and if you force me I'll call police..
He grinned at me and said no I'll be the one who will call the police and tell them to arrest your parents who owe me a fortune..

And then my world went blank...

all i thought about was my parents who was moving to another city tomorrow and were going to live on this family's
Money and if I didn't married them it would be over for my family the reputation that we managed to gain from my marriage new will be gone
My father would be sued and all of us will suicide..
But that looked like a better option for me..
I sat on a chair there and then Siddharth sat beside me and said see it's wish of my late mother that us brother's should wed the same girl
But you don't have to become everyone's wife and give them the right to touch you..
If you want none of us will ever lay a single finger on you just perform this ceremony and that's it you can stay here till you die..
And if you want you can even have relationships we'll give you share in our property a d name this house for you..

Honestly there wasn't a single thing I could come up with except marrying these assholes

And then for my parents i married these brothers...

Priest performed the mantras and all of them put sindhoor on my head and put garland in my neck..

And yes I am a married woman now of 7 men........

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