the car ride

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Blue heritage was one of the biggest five star hotel in rampur
And it was very far away from the firm it was going to take 2 hours to reach there.
It was almost 30 minutes since they left the office and it was dead silent in the car so vikrant asked her can I ask you something if you don't mind?
Go ahead aisha said
Since when are you and Karan been living in the same room?
It's been 2 months said aisha
2 months , i see he said.
Then she said you don't know? That
No he said actually I don't think that anyone knows about this
No said aisha, actually Aditya knows and Siddharth also
Then Vikrant said how do the both of them know?
Then she answered yesterday Aditya came into karan's room asking for him and saw me there , and as for Siddharth Karan told him this himself
He looked at her with shocked eyes and asked he told sid and not me?
That is so messed up
She said I know that you two are really close but i think that he also has his reasons because he always does the right thing so maybe this was also for a good reason
Vikrant softly chuckled and said you really have so much trust in him
Yes said aisha
Then he asked why do you have so much trust in him though
Aisha smiled and said because I love him
Vikrant raised his eyebrows and asked her ohh is that so? So let me ask you a question, why do you love him?
Then aisha fell silent, she stayed silent for too long, and then she started thinking that  she should've been able to answer this question right away but instead she was searching that reason.
Then Vikrant said looks like you are having trouble to find the answers
And then changing the subject aisha asked him so you are a singer right?
Yes I am he said
Intresting so from when did you started singing?
Well from the age of 5 my mother told me that i had a beautiful voice and also she was also a singer
Oh really that's an early age to start
So i heard that you have a girlfriend you've been dating for 9 years now?
Yes he said her name is jiya
Ohh, so do you love her, and why do you love her?
He said yes I love her, and i love her because she always makes me feel better when I am with her, and whenever I am sad or depressed she is the one I want to be with she says so comforting words and i also love her behaviour she is really mature.
Hmm looks like you know why you love her very well she must be very lucky, but why don't you announce this to the whole world?
Then he answered i don't know why but jiya has always wanted to keep our relationship a secret since college days and i respect her decisions
Hmm said aisha not wanting to discuss the topic anymore then she thought to herself love and respect huh? What is that I feel about Karan what is it that respect about him? And do i really love him?
With all these questions they reached hotel blue heritage.

MY 7 HUSBANDSNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ