ROOM 113

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vikrant and aisha both arrived at hotel blue heritage and then both of them went to the reception and asked where was the room 113 the she told them that it was on the 1 floor so they went there and then knocked on the door of room 113 which the office employee told Vikrant where Karan was..

Aisha was really worried about Karan because it had been 2 days since she haven't talked or seen him, and when she went to his firm she found out that there wasn't any issue to begin with which means he lied to her plus he was in a hotel which was practically pn the other end of the city she was facing so many questions and somewhere she thought that he maybe felt suffocated around her so he decided to come here to get some space, and if so why didn't he tell her?
With all these questions and anxiety tickling her toes she knocked on the door again.
And then they heard some sound from inside and the next minute a woman opened the door and as aisha looked at her she was wearing a bath gown and then she looked pass the door and there she saw Karan who was wearing nothing but a towel
And then aisha froze for a moment she started taking steps back not believing what was she seeing and also not hearing what that lady was saying and then with that women whom Vikrant recognised to be karan's secretary mishka was raising her voice asking aisha who was she but later when she was vikrant behind her realised that she was maybe his gf not knowing about their marriage stood silent. And then suddenly Karan came to the door and fell silent as he saw aisha.
All the colour drained from his face and he stood their like a statue

Then aisha asked him after so much silence aisha said so tell me what's going on here?
There was silence
Who is she? Huh? Karan? What are you doing here with her? She asked with a hoarse voice
Still no answer
Then aisha pushed him inside the room and asked him  with a very angry and loud voice this was the technical issue you were facing
And totally guilty Karan said i am sorry aisha, and then aisha slapped him across the face and said you are an fu*king a***ole Karan and not knowing what to do next she just went outside literally pushing mishka out of her way then Karan looked at vikrant and said you did wrong bringing her here and Vikrant answered him i had to she was looking like she was going to die if she didn't met you today but she said right you have always been an as**ole bro.. and he left
He followed aisha who was crying nonstop as the exited the hotel aisha was heading straight for the road but then Vikrant ran to her and grabbed her hand and said "aisha please you can cry all that you want , i won't stop you but please don't do anything reckless with your life"
Then aisha stood there still sobbing and vikrant knowing how deeply hurt she was he gave her his handkerchief she took it and wrapped it around her face and started crying even louder people were watching her so he place his hand around her shoulder and took her to the parking area and he let her cry. She was crying so much that  vikrant got tears in his eyes and then he hugged her and she hugged him back so tight they stayed like that for 30 minutes and she was still crying even after that but now silently tears flowing down her check and then when they separated from each other vikrant said i gave you my hanky to wipe your tears and instead you drowned my shirt i am sorry said aisha and then fell silent then Vikrant said let go home and not saying anything aisha sat in the car
Halfway through the ride she was silent but the she saw a alcohol bottle the spare compartment she took it and drank it and vikrant didn't said anything to her knowing that alcohol was the thing she needed the most
And with a very sad mood they returned to the roy mansion

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