Chapter Nine

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A/N: All rights go to Stephenie Meyer, I'm just a fan using my imagination and adding a twist to 'Twilight'


"Bella come on! I can't afford to be late for Banners lesson again! I'll lose half my grade!" Jessica shouted, grabbing my hand and yanking me away from Edward. I yelped in shock and stumbled a bit as she pulled me out of the cafeteria.

"Jess I appreciate it if you'd stop trying to pull my arm out of my socket" I whined and Jess immediately let go muttering 'sorry'.

I followed her down the hallway in silence, my mind still frozen in shock. Edward was here. His whole family was here. The books were right. I could still feel the jolts of electricity soaring through my body and his eyes were imprinted in my brain. The books didn't do him any justice, he was absolutely gorgeous, too gorgeous for someone as plain as me but for some reason, he wanted me just as much as I wanted him.

It seems my body was already in tune with his as I could sense him following behind us. I wracked my brain to see if we shared any lessons together and remembered that we shared Biology. I nearly squealed in excitement, not only do we share the same class, but the only available seat was next to me and Edward would have to sit there. I could feel his gaze on my back as Jess chatted away, she wanted to know what had just happened between me and Edward but I simply shrugged. I had no idea what had happened, all I know is that every fibre of my being wanted to wrap my arms around him and kiss him.

But I couldn't tell Jess that. It would sound too weird, even for her.

We arrived outside the classroom and I groaned once I saw Mike standing outside the door waiting for us. Jess immediately blushed but he payed her no mind, his eyes were locked on me and I nearly gagged. Once we got closer, I noticed Mikes hair was wet and groaned again, of course it had decided to rain on the one day I forgot my jacket.

"I'm a little wet, maybe you should dry me off" Mike stated and before I knew it, he was shaking his head making water droplets land on my shirt and my hair.

I squealed in disgust and jumped away from him. "No thanks, I'm good. Maybe Jessica could dry you off though" I looked down and sighed. "You got my hair wet!"

Mike looked disappointed but soon turned his attention to Jess, who all too eager to speak to him. Behind me, I heard a mixture of giggles and a growl. I turned around and saw Alice and Rosalie laughing and Edward looking furious. He looked like he was about to rip off Mike's head. I fought the urge to roll my eyes, his protectiveness was already showing.

I'd have to get used to that.

Alice caught my gaze and smiled. I smiled back before muttering a 'hey' under my breath knowing she would hear it. Her smile grew and she was practically bouncing on her feet. Rosalie had to grab her to calm her down, but she too sent a small smile to me. This surprised me, I thought she hated me? In the books she never saw eye to eye to me so what happened in the last book for her to like me? I made a mental note to at least start the last book tonight before I fell asleep.

I smiled back before turning away and opening the door to classroom. It was already pretty full so I quickly made my way to my desk and shoved my bag underneath. I tried not to watch the door, I didn't want to come across as stalkerish, instead I grabbed my book and started scanning through it.

I felt his presence before he sat down next to me. The room fell silent and all the attention turned to him. I could practically feel the lust coming from the girls and it took everything in me not to jump up screaming at everyone to back off. Taking a deep breath, I finally looked up and watched as he got his slip signed by Mr Banner. Mr Banner pointed to the only available seat which was next to me and he smiled his crooked grin before walking towards me.

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