Chapter Thirteen

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A/N: All rights go to Stephenie Meyer, I'm just a fan using my imagination and adding a twist to 'Twilight'


"What's happening tonight Bella?" Angela asked over the sound of the music which was currently being blasted and I sighed, I knew this would be coming. Angela wasn't one to pry but I knew she would end up asking since she heard what had been said between Edward and I.

I had no idea what to tell her, I couldn't tell her the truth. That was out of the question so I had no choice but to lie. I just hoped I would be able to do it, I'm not a very good liar.

"Me and Alice got talking in class and she asked me to go to hers tonight" I shrugged and kept my eyes on the road, "people haven't been too friendly towards them and they felt lonely. They're really nice people"

Okay that wasn't a complete lie. The Cullens were nice people but they weren't lonely. I knew the true reason why they wanted me over tonight but I couldn't tell Angela that.

Thankfully, she accepted that. "They seem like nice people but...they just seem strange"

I bit back the chuckle that wanted to come out. If only she knew.

"They might think you're strange" I glanced at her and she smiled.

"You know what I mean. There's something about them. Jasper especially, he always looks like he's in pain"

No, he's just fighting off his instincts and trying not to suck you dry.

"Ang, it's high school. We all look like we're in pain"

Angela laughed but dropped the subject. The drive back to hers we just chatted aimlessly and sang along to the radio. I dropped her off home promising her I'll there at the same time tomorrow before driving back to my house. Now that I was alone, the nervousness crept in and my heart started thumping heavily in my chest. This would be the first time that I would be alone with the Cullens, alone with Edward. I knew things were going to get spoken about and my hands became sweaty at the thoughts. How will tonight go?

I pulled into my driveway, surprised to see Charlie's car parked in front of the house. I thought he was going fishing? I cut the engine, grabbed my stuff and slowly made my way into the house.

"Dad?" I called out, dropping my bag by the door.

"In here Bells!" He called back, from the kitchen and I made my way towards him.

I trudged my way into the kitchen where Charlie was, he had his fishing gear on the table and he was sorting through it. He looked up when I entered and gave me a small smile.

"Hoping to catch some trout," he explained

I nodded not having a clue why he looked to be excited. He tried taking me fishing when I was younger but I found it boring and just couldn't get into it. He stopped taking me when I threw tantrum when he tried inviting me again.

"Right...well you have fun" I replied and he chuckled. I went over to the kitchen sink and poured myself a glass of water.

"You set to go over to your friends tonight?" He asked sitting down at the table, "which friends are you going to anyways?"

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