Chapter Seven

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A/N: All rights go to Stephenie Meyer, I'm just a fan using my imagination and adding a twist to 'Twilight'


I was awake before my alarm went off, my eagerness willing me to be out of bed before 6am. I had already showered, done my makeup and made a start on doing my hair before Charlie had even got out of bed. He was surprised to see me up and sort of ready but didn't question it. I finished curling my hair before doing it in a half up, half down style before heading to my closet to pick out my outfit for today.

I had no idea why I wanted to look my best but I had a feeling that something was going to change today. A part of me hoped it be that I would finally be meeting them but I didn't want to believe it. Maybe it was something else.

After choosing my outfit, I slipped it on along with my shoes before glancing at the clock. (Bella's outfit is posted above this chapter) I noticed it had only just turned 7am, and since I already made and had my breakfast, I didn't have much to do.

Charlie was still in the shower so I chose to continue reading Eclipse. It had fallen on the floor during my sleep but thankfully it landed on the chapter I was reading. I sat in my rocking chair and let the book consume me.

"Bella! You're going to be late!" Charlie shouted from downstairs making me jump. I glanced at the clock and saw it was 7:45am. Shit. If I didn't leave now, I would miss the first five minutes of class.

Quickly, I placed the book in the drawer with the others and rushed downstairs. Charlie gave me a stern glare to which I sheepishly smiled back at. I was hardly ever late, but every time I was, Charlie practically scolded me into next week.

I quickly gave him a kiss on the cheek to which he blushed at, grabbed my school bag and rushed out of the door.

The drive to school was a fast one, I was really pushing my truck to its limits today but I found it in me not to care. The radio was blasting its usual morning music and I turned it down, I wasn't the same person as I was last night and music blasting in my ears wasn't what I needed this morning.

I managed to make it to school two minutes before the morning bell rang. The car park was empty with the students already heading to class. Cursing, I turned off the engine, grabbed my bag and rushed into the building praying I would make it to English without being late and falling on my face.

I didn't even take notice of the expensive cars parked across the lot. Not even the Volvo.

Luckily, I managed to make it to class before the bell rang and I sighed in relief of not being late. I quickly made my way to my seat next to Angela and got my books out for the lesson. The teacher arrived a couple of minutes after and started going on and on about an upcoming assignment. I took notes,and didn't realise the pair of golden eyes which were staring at me in shock and delight.

The rest of the morning flew. I managed to make it to all of my classes on time and without falling on my face, joked around with my friends and ignored Mike Newton's obvious flirting. Honestly, you would have thought he would get the hint of me rejecting him. I headed to lunch with Jessica Stanley on my arm babbling on about some new students which were 'too sexy for their own good' but I paid no mind to her. She was always like this, if there was anything going in this school and you wanted to know, Jessica was the one to go to.

I joined the lunch line deciding on getting a pre packed sandwich and a bottle of water. The food at this school had the be the worst type of food ever. I swear they served better meals in prison. I could feel many eyes on me but chose to ignore it, I was used to the stares by now. Jessica joined me once she paid for her pile of gloop and we headed to the table where the rest of our friends sat.

"How can you eat that stuff?" I asked disgusted as she piled whatever it was on her fork, "what's it supposed to be anyway?"

"Cottage pie I think," she answered shrugging, "it's food so I'm not complaining"

"I wouldn't call it food, it looks like slop"

I heard chuckles behind me but I chose to ignore it. I hated it when people listened in on our conversation. Angela poked me in the arm causing me to glance at her.

"Can I ask a huge favour?"

I squinted my eyes. "Depends on the favour. If it's going shopping, count me out"

She laughed knowing my dislike for shopping. She dragged me dress shopping for her cousins wedding once, it was the longest two hours of my life.

"No it's nothing like that," I let out a breath of relief I didn't know I was holding, "I had to borrow my mums car this morning since mine is in the garage but she needs it back for work, so I was wondering if I could catch a lift with you? It's only until Thursday and of course I'll pay for fuel"

I swallowed a bit of my sandwich and tried to fight the grimace that was coming onto my face. Even the sandwiches here were bad.

"Of course" I said and watched as she smiled, "but I'm not taking any money off you for fuel"


"No buts" I held my finger up cutting her off, "I do have one condition though"

Angela looked nervous. "What's that?"

"I get to pick the music," I grinned, "my truck, my music"

She laughed but agreed and started talking Eric, a mousy boy with greasy hair, it was obvious they had thing for each other but neither of them acted on it. Probably too nervous. I turned my attention to Jessica and Mike and tried to follow along with their conversation. I shoved my sandwich in disgust away from me and took a gulp of water. Maybe it's time to bring my own lunch.

Jessica suddenly stopped talking, glanced behind me and giggled.

"What?" I asked, putting the lid back on my water.

She looked at me, a hint of jealously in her eyes. "Edward Cullen is looking at you"

I froze and I'm pretty sure my heart stopped.

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