Chapter Three.

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A/N: All rights go to Stephenie Meyer, I'm just a fan using my imagination and adding a twist to 'Twilight'


School was well, school. It was boring and I must have got homework from each class. I swear teachers hate us, why else would they set homework on a Monday?

I grumbled to myself shoving the homework into my already full bag. This is going to take up all of my free time! I'll have no life once I start this! Not like I have a life anyways, the only person I hang out with after school is my childhood best friend Jacob Black. But still! It's not the point!

Once my homework was stuffed in my bag, I hoisted it over my shoulders and started making my way out of the doors thankful that school is over. I couldn't wait to get home, the lack of sleep was catching up to me. I needed a nap. And a long one.

It had just started to rain when I entered the parking lot and I cursed myself for not having a jacket with a hood. I should have known, I've lived in Forks my whole life and it always rains! Grumbling, I sped walked to my truck, hoping not to fall in the process. Thankfully, I made it to the truck without an accident and threw my bag on the passenger seat and climbed in. I noticed my friends just reaching their cars so I gave them a quick wave before turning on the truck and pulling out of the school parking lot.

I'm so ready to get home.

Traffic was light so I made it home in record time. I didn't have to speed, not like I could in this thing so I was happy when I realised it only took me 15 minutes to get home. More time for sleeping! And I wouldn't have to worry about Charlie waking me up since he was going to be working late. Perfect!

I cut the engine, grabbed my bag and climbed out of the truck. The rain had gotten heavier by now so I quickly rushed to the front porch ready to get into the warm house. I was too busy fumbling with getting my house keys out, that I nearly tripped over a package of what looked to be books sat on my door step.

'What the hell?' I thought bending down and picking them up. There was four books and a note addressed to me on top of them. 'I didn't order anything'

I shrugged, maybe Charlie ordered me some new books and forgot to tell me. He knows I love reading. My heart swelled at the thought, Charlie wasn't an affectionate man so when he did things like this it truly means a lot. Holding the books under one arm, I unlocked the front door and kicked it shut behind me.

I placed my school bag on the stairs, kicked off my shoes and carried the books into living room. My feet screamed at the sweet relief of finally getting them boots of my feet and I sat down. Curiosity was getting the better of me, I wanted to know what this note said. With that in mind, I slowly opened it.


You don't know me but I know you. Don't worry I'm not some stalker.

Enclosed in these books are your future. No I'm not crazy either. I have a which allows me to see things about people. When I saw your future I had to write them down and send them out to you.

You can choose whether or not to believe me but every word in these books are true. They are the key to your future. Of course, you can choose not to follow it and go down a different path but I thought you should see the options before you do.

I have given the other set to the other person involved so he's aware as well.

I hope these give you some sort of happiness.



Ps, the first book is Twilight.

What. The. Hell. Is this some sick joke? A prank? What does this person mean about my future? How could they possibly know my future before even I do? I have no idea what I want to be, heck I've not even thought about what I'm having for dinner!

I placed the note on the coffee table in front of me and stared at the books. This couldn't be true...could it? And there's more than one set? Who's got the other set?

Ugh it feels like my head is gonna explode with questions.

Deciding to push it all to one side, I stood up and slowly made my way to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee. I could feel the note and books burning holes into my back, tempting me to read them. I fought off the feeling. I'm not even sure I want to know what they're about...but apart of me wanted me to read them and see what the future holds for me. But that's the whole point of it being a future, you're not supposed to know what happens...right?

Groaning, I grabbed my coffee and made my way into the living room knowing that the temptation has won. I placed my coffee on the table next to the books, careful not to spill any, grabbed my favourite blanket off the other sofa and made myself comfortable. If I was gonna sit and read all these books I needed to be comfortable.

Knowing I couldn't put it off for much longer, I picked up the first book with shaky hands. I opened it to the first page and settled down.

Let's see what these are about.

Shorter chapter I'm sorry!

Is anyone else going back through their Twilight faze or is it just me? I swear I've re watched the films twice already and if I wasn't moving I'd be sat reading the books but they're packed.

Stay tuned for chapter four!

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