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Eventually, They found themselves at the Data core and Cal, the interface that was the conscience of Mr. Lux's family member. she was in pain due to running out of memory space due to her saving everyone in the library and Donna from the Vashta Nerada. The Doctor was working to solve the problem while Athena sat back and waited for the right time to step in.

"...We beam all the people out of the data core. The computer will reset and stop the countdown. Difficult. Charlotte doesn't have enough memory space left to make the transfer. Easy! I'll hook myself up to the computer. She can borrow my memory space." The Doctor explained

"Difficult. It'll kill you stone dead." River argues and Athena nods her head in agreement when the Doctor looks at her.

"Yeah, it's easy to criticize." He scoffs annoyed that no one was on his side.

"It'll burn out both your hearts and don't think you'll regenerate," River informs him

"I'll try my hardest not to die. Honestly, it's my main thing." He shrugs,

"I mean you aren't wrong in that aspect but in terms of what you're attempting to do..." Athena interjects while River hisses his name.

"I'm right, this works. Shut up. Now listen. Professor and Luxy boy, back up to the main library. Prime any data cells you can find for maximum download, and before you say anything else, Professor, can I mention in passing as you're here, shut up." He states before turning to do his work. River looks to Athena for back up but she jerks her head in the direction she needs to go.

"Oh! I hate you both sometimes."

"We know!" The Doctor grins making Athena laugh. He loved that sound, he was starting to see why he cared for her in the future.

"Mister Lux, with me. Anita, if they die, I'll kill them!" River states as she and Mr. Lux leave.

"What about the Vashta Nerada?" Anita says quietly

"These are their forests. We are going to seal Charlotte inside her little world and take everybody else away. The shadows can swarm to their hearts' content." Athena smiles over at the scared woman before frowning.

"So you think they're just going to let us go?" Anita asks

"Best offer they're going to get." Doctor says glancing over at her.

"You're going to make 'em an offer?"

"They'd better take it because right now, I'm finding it very hard to make any kind of offer at all." The Doctor stands straight with a stony face, Athena grinds her teeth before interjecting,

"You know what? I really liked Anita. She was brave, even when she was crying. And she never gave in. And you ate her." Athena lifts her sonic to clear Anita's visor to reveal a skull, "But I'm going to let that pass, just as long as you let them pass."

"How long have you known?" The Swarm asks

"We counted the shadows. You only have one now. She's nearly gone. Be kind." The Doctor said with a bite to his tone, Athena moved to stand next to him. She looked at the Swarm Suit her eyes swirling gold, ready to do something drastic if the conversation does go how it should.

"These are our forests. We are not kind."

"I'm giving you back your forests, but you are giving me them. You are letting them go." The Doctor demand

"These are our forests. They are our meat." Shadows stretch out from Vashta Nerada Anita towards the Doctor but Athena steps in front of him throwing out a wall of light.

"Don't play games with us." She hissed, "You just killed someone I liked and threatened the man I love. That is not a safe place to stand. I am the High Illimite, and you're in the biggest library in the universe. Look me up."

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