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"Okay, now it starts." The Doctor walks out Amy follows

"Coming?" River looks at Athena who is rubbing her eyes. This was uncomfortable she has to admit but she rather her than Amy.

"Yeah, coming. There's just something in my eye." She sighed before turning and walking out to where the Doctor stood looking down a dark hole.

"Are you okay 'Thena?" the Doctor looks at her and she nods giving him what he thought was a forced smile. Everyone climbs down a rope ladder into a very large underground space. "Do we have a gravity globe?"

"Grav globe." A Cleric hands a globe to the Doctor.

"Where are we? What is this?" Amy asks looking around at the darkness that surrounded the group.

"It's an Aplan Mortarium, sometimes called a Maze of the Dead," River answered the tall ginger.

"What's that?" the tall ginger furrowed her brows.

"Well, if you happen to be a creature of living stone," The Doctor kicks the globe into the air, where it illuminates a vast array of mausoleums and statuary. "The perfect hiding place."

Athena groans before whispering, "fuck this" the Doctor flashes an eyebrow at her with a smirk.

"I guess this makes it a bit trickier." The Father gruffs.

"A bit, yeah." The Doctor lets out a bitter laugh.

"A stone Angel on the loose amongst stone statues. A lot harder than I'd prayed for." Father Octavian laughs nervously

"A needle in a haystack," River says looking at all the statues

"A needle that looks like hay. A hay-like needle of death. A hay-alike needle of death in a haystack of, er, statues." Athena raises a brow at the Doctors rambling and he blushes with embarrassment, "No, yours was fine."

"Right. Check every single statue in this chamber. You know what you're looking for. Complete visual inspection. One question. How do we fight it?" Octavian asks

"We find it, and hope." The Doctor says somberly as the father goes and talks to his troops

"Doctor?" Athena walks closer to the Doctor,

"Yes?" He looks up at her, taking in her guilty face.

"I'm sorry for my freakout." She mutters a blush spread across her nose at the embarrassment.

"never be sorry for being scared of something dangerous." He grips her shoulder smiling down at her, "I'm glad to see you don't look like a light blub anymore" Athena blushes looking down at her hands to see they are back to normal.

"Thanks" she mutters, "I'm beginning to think whenever I have high emotions I glow"

"it would seem so." He clicks his tongue before grinning "I wonder what would happen if you were happy"

Athena laughs "Probably light up the whole room. No need for gravity globes if I am extremely happy"

The Doctor chuckles "Athena the personal gravity globe"

"Don't call me that again" she giggles, before following him up the Terrance. River looked at the two fondly, she was used to their joking around. Athena pauses to rub her eye, and stone dust falls between her fingers. River stepped behind her,

"You all right?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Athena walks up to the Doctor leaving Amy and her to talk. Athena watches the Doctor use the handheld upside down. She decided to leave him to struggle. She walks around and looks at the disintegrating statues, humming a song to keep herself calm. The Doctor looked over at her seeing her glow fading in and out. He went to walk over to her but River pulled his attention,

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