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Suddenly they were engulfed in water. The Doctor pushed her up to the surface before he broke the surface. He looked over to her, her ginger hair clung to her face and she looked like she was pouting.

"That is unfair" she sputtered.

"All is fair in love and war." he grins before coughing when Athena splashes him in the face. He wiped the water off to see her smirking,

"All is fair in love and war huh?"Athena smirked as the Doctor grinned before splashing her back but he missed because she went underwater. He couldn't see where she went until he heard her break the water behind him. As soon as he turned he got splashed again. He grins before ducking under the water. Athena looks around waiting for him to surface.

"Stupid Timelord lungs" she mutters swimming towards the pool wall. She looked around noting the pool looked like a normal pool and a beach had a baby, not only that but the pool seemed to go on forever. The ceiling reminded her of Harry Potter's great hall. It looked like a Sunny day with some clouds. Around the pool were sand toys and loungers. Farther down she could see slides and diving boards

Suddenly she felt a hand on her leg, and then she was fully submerged. She twisted in the Doctor's arm and looked at him, his hair floating in the water. They stared at each other for a moment. The Doctor grinned, taking her in. Her hair floated in curls and her brown eyes seemed to go on forever in the water. He pushed them up to the surface, brushing her hair out of her face before doing his.

"Your story is so incredibly important." He said keeping arms around her so they could float together, "I have never met anyone who isn't important."

"Don't reuse your lines on me sir." she laughed, wrapping her arms around his neck. He moved his arms trying to keep them afloat. "I didn't say my story wasn't important, I just said yours is more important than mine."

"I am no more important than you." he countered

"That is simply untrue. Your story is so important to the entire universe." she brushed hair out of his face.

"You are important to me." He looked into her eyes. It was true in the short time they knew each other she had become more than just a companion to him. He regarded her as a dear close friend, someone he could confide in when he needed to talk. He hasn't felt like this toward anyone in a very long time not since a certain blonde companion.

"Doctor, I'm temporary." she sighed tears starting to gleam in her eyes, "we have talked about this. You can't get attached to me, I can't be the reason you get your hearts broken. I'm human."

"But you're not-" he went to argue.

"I have human biology. Therefore we have to assume that I am." she pushed herself off the Doctor gently. He reaches out for her warmth with a frown. "I am sorry Doctor."

She swims to the bank and leaves the room, leaving the Doctor staring after her still in the water.


Athena trudged through the halls of the Tardis to her room... well house technically. She wrapped her arms around herself fighting off the cold, when a warm air filled the halls. She sighs in relief, stopping to look up at the ceiling.

"Thank you" she mutters before wiping either a tear or a drop of water she didn't know off her face, there was a hum in return and she smiled softly before continuing her trek. Once she got to the door she pushed it open, bending down to greet the cats that came to the door.

She sidestepped into the house, careful not to let them out. She started up the stairs towards her bathroom. When she got to it she stepped in the shower stripping off her wet clothes, before going to draw a warm bath. Once the bath was full she stepped into it sinking up to her chin in the hot lavender-scented water. Athena leaned her head against the tub and closed her eyes. Exhaustion swept over her and before too long she drifted off.

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